The events below relate to Susan Berliner, author of the supernatural thrillers DUST, Peachwood Lake, The Disappearance, Corsonia, After the Bubbles, Soldier Girl, and The Resolve, three short story collections (The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales, George's Mother and Other Weird Stories, and Crash Effect and Other Weird Stories) and the quirky memoir, Doing the Write Thing.
Here is my upcoming Spring event:
9 am - 3 pm
Community & Cultural Center Gym
1974 Commerce Street
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
* * *
My last 2024 fair took place December 15 at Brewster High School in Brewster, NY.
Last year, the event was in the front hallway of the school and everyone was a bit
squashed. This year, however, the Holiday Craft Fair was spread out in the cafeteria
and nearby gym, making it much more comfortable. Here come the photos:
This was another YIKES! & YUKS event, so I shared a table with author-husband, Larry Berliner.
Note the nifty high shelf behind the table, allowing us to display all our posters.
Seventeen-year-old Finlay was looking forward to reading my supernatural thriller, DUST.
Maureen chose a signed copy of my mind-control thriller, Corsonia,
as a gift for her husband, Pete.
I signed my time-travel thriller, The Disappearance, for Carol's Bookmarks
Are Not for Quitters book club (and included a bookmark).
When I signed Naura's copy of George's Mother and Other Weird Stories,
I was really glad I asked how she spelled her name!
Nancy chose a signed copy of DUST for her 13-year-old granddaughter, Aliyah.
* * *
On December 7, I took part in the Reformed Church of Cortlandtown's Holiday Craft Fair,
held in the Montrose (NY) fire station. Here are some pictures:
I shared a table with author (and hubby), Larry Berliner.
Tania was intrigued by the cover of George's Mother and Other Weird Stories,
so she purchased a signed copy of the short story collection.
Andrea, who loves mystery-thrillers, was excited to read my time-travel novel,
The Disappearance.
Tracey, the event organizer, is also a reader. She chose signed copies of both
The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales and Larry's award-winning memoir,
You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life.
* * *
On November 16, I participated in St. Patrick's School's Craft Fair in Yorktown Heights, NY.
This was a very well-attended event, although thriller readers were at a minimum.
Here are a few photos.
This was a YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS signing, featuring horror author, Ed Perratore (YIKES!),
Linda Griffin (TYKES), and Larry Berliner (YUKS). We were able to spread out to two tables
because the table next to us was unoccupied.
When Annette heard that DUST was based on a dust devil incident in Maine, she decided it would be
a great gift for her brother who lives there. She also chose Larry Berliner's award-winning funny memoir,
You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life.
* * *
On November 2, I returned to one of my favorite venues: Holy Rosary Church in Hawthorne, NY.
Its Holiday Craft Fair includes more than 50 vendors in a spacious gym with great gift selections
and food. Here come a bunch of photos:
I shared a table with horror writer, Ed Perratore, and funny memoir writer (and hubby),
Larry Berliner.
Gabriella purchased my time-travel thriller, The Disappearance, last year and
read it in one day because she couldn't put it down. This year
she chose my mind-control thriller, Corsonia.
My star of this year's fair was The Disappearance because so many shoppers chose the mystery-thriller--
including Jane, who also selected Larry's award-winning humorous memoir: You Can't Be Serious:
An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life and...
Wendy chose the same two books and...
so did Lynette.
Judy, another returning customer (she read DUST last year) also chose The Disappearance.
I nearly ran out of copies of the book--a very good problem for an author!
Marie chose my first novel, DUST for her 15-year-old grandnephew, Eddie.
* * *
On October 26, I participated in a craft fair with fellow author (and hubby), Larry Berliner
in St. Christopher's Church Annex in Buchanan, NY. Here come a few pictures:
Joyce chose two books for her daughter, Amy: Larry's award-winning funny memoir,
You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life and
my short story collection: The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
Cheryl, who had read and enjoyed my time-travel thriller, The Disappearance,
purchased my dystopian Touchers series: After the Bubbles and Soldier Girl,
and then...
...returned a few minutes later to get my first novel, DUST.
After listening to a description of all my books, Debbie chose The Disappearance.
* * *
On October 19, I showcased my books at the Wiccopee Fire Company's Craft Fair in
Hopewell Junction, NY. My table was indoors, but it was a gorgeous fall day
with temperatures near 70 degrees. Here are some photos:
I shared a table with horror writer, Ed Perratore, and humorous memoir writer
(and hubby), Larry Berliner.
Monica enjoys reading short stories, so she chose George's Mother
and Other Weird Stories. (I'm wearing a sweatshirt because,
although it was warm outside, the building was cold.)
Tim also decided to read George's Mother and Other Weird Stories.
Marlene wanted to read my time-travel thriller, The Disappearance.
(Notice no sweatshirt because it finally warmed up inside.)
* * *
On Labor Day (September 2), I participated in the Hudson River Arts & Crafts Festival in Senasqua Park
in Croton, NY. It was a picture-perfect day on the water, featuring more than 60 talented craftspeople.
Here come the pictures:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS signing, featuring our newest YIKES! author, Ed Perratore (left),
who writes dark horror books--perfect for the Halloween season.
Our other members are Larry Berliner (YUKS!) and Linda Griffin (TYKES).
Eleven-year-old Olivia was excited about reading my supernatural thriller, DUST.
Judy bought two copies of George's Mother and Other Weird Stories (one for herself
and one for her sister, Lisa) because she lives in a haunted house with a ghost she
thinks is her great-great grandfather, who lived and died there. Lights go on and off,
footsteps clatter, etc. But at least it's a friendly ghost.
Marilyn, a fan of time travel, chose my mystery thriller, The Disappearance.
Mary (with husband, Len) listened to my brief book descriptions, stopping me when I reached
The Touchers series. "I love dystopian!" she announced, choosing Book 1, After the Bubbles.
Sheela was excited about reading my quirky little memoir, Doing the Write Thing.
Jody (center, with friend) chose my mind-control thriller, Corsonia.
* * *
On Saturday, June 15, I signed books with Larry Berliner at the First Presbyterian Church's
Community Tag Sale in Mahopac, NY. It was a beautiful day--perfect, except for the wind
that nearly knocked down our tent, weights and all. Here are some photos:
This was a small event, in the church's parking lot, with our car right behind the table--
very convenient for loading and unloading our books.
We even had live, on-site advertising!
Margi, a historian for the First Presbyterian Church, chose
my mind-control thriller, Corsonia.
Alex, a published sci-fi author, wanted to read my first short story
collection, The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
Doris, a thriller lover, was excited about reading Corsonia.
Joanne decided to get two short story collections: The Sea
Crystal and Other Weird Tales & George's Mother and Other Weird
Stories for her 13-year-old and 11-year-old granddaughters.
* * *
On Saturday, June 8, I signed books on the front lawn of the United Methodist Church
in Mount Kisco, NY. This was a flea market, rather than a craft fair, but Larry Berliner and I
met some very interesting people--and sold a few books. Some pictures follow.
This was a YIKES! & YUKS event so I shared a table with
fellow author and hubby, Larry Berliner.
I signed a copy of my monster fish story, Peachwood Lake,
for preteen Gisel.
Jennifer chose both my time-travel thriller, The Disappearance,
and Larry's award-winning funny memoir, You Can't Be Serious:
An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life.
* * *
On June 1st, I participated in Festival at the Falls in Wappingers Falls (NY). This is an
annual town-wide event which, this year, included many more vendors than usual.
As a result, we were spread into two neighboring parks. Here are some photos:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event so I shared a table with fellow authors
Linda Griffin and Larry Berliner.
Liz enjoys reading thriller series so she chose my dystopian 2-book series,
The Touchers: After the Bubbles & Soldier Girl.
Kristen, 13, chose my mind-control thriller, Corstonia.
James, an avid reader, selected my latest short story collection:
Crash Effect and Other Weird Stories.
Ariana, 11, chose Peachwood Lake, a horror story about a fish
terrorizing a lake--and a bully terrorizing a 13-year-old girl.
* * *
On May 11, I showcased my books at an Art, Craft & Vintage Market at the Yorktown (NY)
Community & Cultural Center. The venue, in the former school's gym, was spacious and
a varied selection of items were displayed. Unfortunately, however, few shoppers visited.
Here are two photos:
Since this was another YIKES! and YUKS event, I shared a table with hubby and
fellow author, Larry Berliner.
Eli chose both Corsonia and Crash Effect and Other Weird Stories for her 23-year old son.
Since she didn't want to be photographed, we focused on the books.
* * *
On May 5, I participated in the Grange Fair's Spring Fling Craft Fair in Yorktown Heights (NY) with fellow
author (and hubby), Larry Berliner. Although it was rainy and cold, we were indoors where it wasn't raining--but it was still cold. Here come the pictures:
Since this was a Saturday/Sunday event, and we were only there Sunday, our table
was placed in the middle of the room. So we were the center of attention (not really,
but visitors had to walk around us).
Nicole is a middle school special ed teacher who reads to her students each week.
Because she thinks my Twilight Zone-like short stories will interest her students, she
purchased both George's Mother and Other Weird Stories and Crash Effect and
Other Weird Stories.
Tommy, a fan of thrillers, chose my mind-control novel, Corsonia, for himself and
Larry's funny memoir, You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher a-muses about
school and life for his cousin, an inner-city teacher.
Victoria, a writing student looking for a public relations position, chose my
quirky memoir, Doing the Write Thing.
* * *
The Brewster (NY) High School PTSA Holiday Craft Fair on December 16 was my last event of the year
and it was fun. This was another YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event and although our table was at the end of a
long hallway, not visible to shoppers, I did sign a few books. Here are some photos:
Kristen, who likes weird stories, chose a signed copy of
George's Mother and Other Weird Stories.
Joyce purchased a signed copy of my short story collection, The Sea Crystal and
Other Weird Tales and Larry Berliner's award-winning funny memoir,
You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life.
Lisa, another fan of weird tales, also chose a signed copy of
George's Mother and Other Weird Stories.
On December 9, I participated in a Holiday Craft Fair at the Grange Fair grounds on Moseman Road
in Yorktown Heights, NY. It was a fun day for holiday shoppers, with two buildings of vendors,
photo opportunities with Santa, and a singer/guitar player softly serenading everyone.
Here are some pictures:
This was another YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event so I again shared a table with
fellow authors Linda Griffin and Larry Berliner.
Since this was a Grange Fair event, of course we had animals: two ducks and two
goats. Too bad goats don't read books--although they'd probably eat them!
Linda chose DUST and The Disappearance for Abby, her granddaughter who loves to read.
Mike and Evelyn decided to read my end-of-world Touchers series: After the Bubbles and Soldier Girl and
Larry Berliner's award-winning funny memoir: You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher a-muses about
school and life.
On November 18, I showcased my books at St. Patrick's School annual Holiday Craft Fair in
Yorktown Heights, NY. Here are a few pictures:
Since this was another YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event, I shared a table with
fellow authors Linda Griffin and Larry Berliner.
Yolanda chose a signed copy of The Disappearance for her 19-year-old
granddaughter, Ashley, who loves mysteries.
Margaret selected Peachwood Lake for her friend, Maureen, who loves
reading supernatural novels.
* * *
On November 4, I participated in Holy Rosary Church's Holiday Craft Fair in Hawthorne, NY. This is
a lovely annual event with more than 50 diverse vendors. Some photos follow:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event so I shared a table with fellow authors
Linda Griffin and Larry Berliner.
Gabriella was immediately drawn to the cover of my time travel thriller, The Disappearance.
Karen chose Crash Effect and Other Weird Stories as a gift for her grandson, A.J.
Terri wanted a signed copy of The Disappearance for her mom, Dolores.
* * *
On October 31, I read two of my darker short stories at a Halloween Author Talk with fellow horror/paranormal writers, Vinny Dacquino and Ed Perratore, at The Reading Room in Katonah, NY. Here are a few photos:
We had a small, but attentive, crowd.
(They really were attentive. This photo was taken before we read.)
I read "The Island" (from George's Mother and Other Weird Stories) and "Dare to Dream"
(from The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales).
Fellow author Ed, who loves mind-control stories, chose my creepy novel, Corsonia.
On October 28, I was a vendor at the BPTA Fall Craft Fair at Law Memorial Park at the Pavilion in
Briarcliff Manor, NY. Even though it was the end of October, the temperature was 80 degrees!
It's too bad the swimming pool behind our table was closed for the season. It was also a shame
that so few people attended this lovely event.
This was a YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event, but TYKES (Linda Griffin) had packed
up her side of the table when this photo was taken, so it's just me with YUKS
(Larry Berliner).
Gabby purchased a signed copy of DUST for her 16-year-old son, Clyde.
On September 2, I participated in the Hudson River Arts & Crafts Festival in Croton, NY with fellow YIKES! &
TYKES & YUKS authors Linda Griffin and Larry Berliner. It was a perfect sunny day with lots of visitors.
Here are a few pictures:
This was a lovely venue, steps away from the Hudson River, and we sat inside
a new blue tent, a gift from my (and Larry's) daughter.
Abhinov, 11, who loves to read, chose a signed copy of DUST.
When Maria, a former lawyer, discovered that a "resourceful lady lawyer"
was a key character in The Disappearance, she immediately purchased the
time travel thriller.
Vivienne enjoys reading memoirs so she chose my quirky memoir,
Doing the Write Thing, and Larry's funny memoir, You Can't Be Serious:
An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life.
Although he's just 10, Lucas is looking forward to reading DUST.
* * *
On June 10, I took part in the Festival at the Falls in Wappingers Falls, NY with fellow author
and hubby, Larry Berliner. Thanks to the help of a kind stranger, we were able to
use our tent again (to keep from roasting in the sun). Here are some photos:
Larry and I were near the front entrance of Mesier Park, opposite the food trucks,
which made me feel hungry all day .Notice that I was able to hang my banner
on the back of the tent.
Maranda, who loves short stories, is looking forward to reading my latest
collection: Crash Effect and Other Weird Stories.
Jeff chose my first novel, DUST, as a gift for his teenage son, Alex.
After listening to a brief description of all my novels,
Lindsay chose my mind-control thriller, Corsonia.
Ana was excited about reading my time travel thriller, The Disappearance, and
Larry's award-winning funny memoir: You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher
a-muses about school and life.
* * *
On May 13, I participated in a Spring Flea Market on the front lawn of the United Methodist Church
of Mount Kisco (NY). It was great to be outdoors on a beautiful spring day--and I even sold a few books.
Here are the photos:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event so I shared a table with
fellow authors Linda Griffin and Larry Berliner.
Monserratt chose signed copies of my time travel thriller, The Disappearance, and
my first short story collection, The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales. (Notice that
we're standing in front of my "Thrillers" banner, which I finally had a chance to use.)
Ely wanted to read my second short story collection, George's Mother
and Other Weird Stories and my quirky memoir, Doing the Write Thing.
Penny chose The Disappearance as a birthday present
for her daughter, Melissa, who loves thrillers.
* * *
The Spring Fling Market in the Jefferson Valley Mall in Yorktown, NY on May 5 was a strange event:
We had very little traffic--and no one even glanced at our books until late afternoon. It didn't help that
the event was indoors and it was a beautiful day, the first rain-free Saturday in weeks.
I shared a 2nd floor table with Larry Berliner, author of the award-winning
funny memoir, You Can't Be Serious: an inner-city teacher a-muses about
school and life.
Sixteen-year-old Juniett was excited about reading Corsonia, a mind-control
thriller about two high school graduates taking a cross-country graduation trip.
Liana, who operates Auntie Liana's Kitchen in the Mall, purchased the
dystopian Touchers series: After the Bubbles & Soldier Girl for her niece,
Aleeza, who loves to read young adult thrillers.
Nieve's daughter, Tiffany, purchased my time travel thriller, The Disappearance,
after I read one of my short stories to her fifth-grade class in Buchanan-Verplanck
Elementary School seven years ago. She loved the book so much, she encouraged
her mother to read it too. Nieve did--and it was the first English-language book she
ever read. Now she's excited about reading DUST.
Eileen chose Corsonia, which takes place in Nevada,
as a gift for her daughter, Lucy, who loves to travel.
* * *
On April 29, I participated in the Yorktown Grange's Spring Fling in Yorktown Heights, NY. Although
this was supposed to be an indoor/outdoor event--and we were supposed to be outdoors--
the weather was rainy and cold so the organizers graciously moved the outdoor vendors inside.
Here come the photos:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event so I shared a table with fellow authors,
Linda Griffin and Larry Berliner.
Antonio was excited about reading my time travel thriller, The Disappearance.
Christina, a former coworker, wanted to read my newest book:
Crash Effect and Other Weird Stories.
Melissa chose The Disappearance as a birthday gift
for her stepfather, who loves thrillers.
* * *
The Spring Craft Fair in St. James School in Carmel, NY on April 22 was a very well-run event. It was
also the first time we had a tent, although, despite the dark and gloomy weather, it didn't rain.
Here are some photos:
Larry and I shared a table (and a borrowed tent). Unfortunately, the
day was so cold that it felt more like a late-autumn event.
James, a fan of thrillers, was excited about reading
my dystopian Touchers series: After the Bubbles and Soldier Girl.
Tom chose Larry's award-winning humorous memoir, You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher a-muses
about school and life and my first collection of short stories, The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales,
Heather's mom, Roseann, wanted a copy of DUST as soon as she
spotted the book on the table. She said she'd read about me
and the novel online. (I'm famous?)
After studying my bookmarks, Ida, a fellow vendor, purchased three of
my books: the novels Corsonia and The Disappearance, and my quirky memoir:
Doing the Write Thing.
* * *
The Northern Westchester Examiner, my local weekly, published this article about
Crash Effect and Other Weird Stories in its March 7th issue:
* * *
Harriet is a big fan of my supernatural fiction! After a 3-year Covid hiatus, we met again at a
Military Bridge event in Queens, NY. This time, she purchased my two newest short story collections:
George's Mother and Other Weird Stories and Crash Effect and Other Weird Stories.
On February 2, my local weekly (Yorktown News) published an article about my new book,
Crash Effect and Other Weird Stories. Here's a copy of the newspaper story. Hope you can read it!
And if you can't read the print version, here's the link to the online article:
* * *
My last 2022 holiday fair was at St. Augustine School in Ossining, NY on December 3. It was another
YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event with fellow authors Linda Griffin and Larry Berliner.
Here come some photos:
Loretta purchased a signed copy of The Disappearance for
her husband, Bill, who loves thrillers.
Ha chose George's Mother and Other Weird Stories for
her 13-year-od son, Douglas and...
...her 12-year-old daughter, Vivien, was excited about reading DUST.
Maria chose both The Disappearance and Larry Berliner's award-winning humor book,
You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life.
* * *
On November 12, I participated in the St. Patrick's School Craft Fair in Yorktown Heights, NY with authors
Linda Griffin and Larry Berliner. It was another unseasonably warm day, but people were still looking to
buy signed books. Here are a few pictures:
I again shared a table with fellow YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS authors, Linda Griffin and Larry Berliner.
Fifteen-year-old TJ was excited about reading DUST.
Julia, who is 12, was looking forward to reading Peachwood Lake,
whose main character is a 13-year-old girl.
* * *
On November 5, I shared a table with authors Linda Griffin and Larry Berliner at Holy Rosary Church's
Christmas Craft Fair in Hawthorne, NY. Although it was 75 degrees, people were still looking for
holiday gifts--including signed books. Here are some photos:
We had our usual table by the gym's entrance, which allows visitors to see us immediately--
a very good thing.
Maria chose a signed copy of Peachwood Lake for her daughter, who's afraid
of fish--and Larry Berliner's award-winning funny memoir, You Can't Be Serious:
An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life, for her son. (She returned later for
a copy of my mind-control thriller, Corsonia.)
Tora was looking forward to reading my time travel thriller, The Disappearance.
Matthew selected George's Mother and Other Weird Stories for his 15-year-old
granddaughter, Gia and...
a younger Matthew chose my first collection of short stories:
The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales and...
Michele also chose a signed copy of The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
Mary Ellen chose two books for gifts: The Disappearance for her daughter, Malene, who
asked for print versions, and You Can't Be Serious, for her son Andrew, a teacher.
* * *
On October 22, I participated in St. James the Apostle's Craft Fair in Carmel, NY with fellow authors,
Linda Griffin and Larry Berliner. It was a beautiful fall day, which helped since we were outdoors.
This was a well-organized event--with great gifts for everyone--and we all signed many books.
Here come the pictures:
Since this was a YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event, I shared a table with authors Linda Griffin and Larry Berliner.
Thirteen-year-old Tabitha wanted to read Peachwood Lake, which is a story about a
13-year-old girl.
Felicia opted for signed copies of both George's Mother and Other Weird Stories and Larry Berliner's
award-winning memoir, You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life.
Mary chose a signed copy of The Disappearance, which she will also loan to her sister.
Sharon is giving her 16-year-old niece, Cecelia, a science fiction fan, a signed copy
of my mind-control thriller, Corsonia.
Candace, a graduate writing student at Columbia University, wanted a copy of both our memoirs:
You Can't be Serious and Doing the Write Thing.
* * *
On October 9, I took over part of my daughter's Thryv table for what I called a "stealth" book signing at the
Yorktown Chamber of Commerce's Fall Festival at the Jefferson Valley Mall in Yorktown, NY.
It was fun, although not very lucrative. A few photos follow:
Meredith Rhoades, an award-winning business advisor for Thryv, didn't need all her table space
so Larry Berliner and I were more than happy to use it.
Author and cable TV host Vinny Dacquino visited our table. I've appeared on two episodes
of his shows: "Let's Talk Writing" and "One on One" (with Larry Berliner). See the shows here.
I signed a copy of The Sea Crystal and other Weird Tales for Doreen, who loves
supernatural thrillers and...
I also signed a copy of my quirky memoir, Doing the Write Thing, for Bernie, a good friend.
* * *
On September 3, I participated in the Hudson River Arts & Crafts Festival in Senasqua Park in Croton, NY. Here are some photos:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event so I shared a table with fellow authors Linda Griffin and
Larry Berliner. It was a lovely venue with vendors positioned in a semi-circle in front of the water.
The weather cooperated too, with sunny skies and very little wind.
Marygrace, a former neighbor--who I didn't know--recognized my name
and purchased a copy of my time travel thriller, The Disappearance.
Sue and Chris were excited about reading Peachwood Lake because
they witnessed a carp jumping into their boat in a Florida Lake.
Lisa's mom chose The Disappearance as a gift for her 23-year-old daughter.
* * *
The Northern Westchester Examiner ran an article about my memoir, Doing the Write Thing, in its December 14th edition. Here's the story:
* * *
On November 6, I participated in the annual Holy Rosary Craft Fair in Hawthorne, NY.. This is one of my favorite holiday events and it didn't disappoint. Vendors, offering a variety of products, were well spaced throughout the school's gym, there was heavy traffic, and I sold a lot of books. Here come the photos:
It was a YIKES! and YUKS event with award-winning humor author Larry Berliner, as TYKES (Linda Griffin) was unable to join us.
We had our usual spot near the front door so shoppers entering the fair couldn't miss our colorful table.
Karen, who organizes the Holy Rosary Craft Fair, purchased a copy of
George's Mother and Other Weird Stories for her grandson, A.J., an avid reader.
Mona, who loves to read mysteries, chose my time-travel thriller, The Disappearance.
Eileen purchased my Touchers series: After the Bubbles and Soldier Girl for her daughter,
a fan of dystopian fiction.
Kristen, who loves weird stories, is looking forward to reading both of my collections:
The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales and George's Mother and Other Weird Stories.
Since Loretta is writing her own memoir, she was interested in reading my new book,
Doing the Write Thing.
Maura purchased my first novel, DUST, for her son Kevin.
Carollynn chose The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales for her daughter, Lena,
while her son, Alex, wanted to read Peachwood Lake.
* * *
On September 18, I had a book signing at the Fall Flea Market on the front lawn of the United Methodist Church of Mount Kisco (NY). Unfortunately, the 80+ temperatures made it feel more like mid-summer and I didn't sell many books. But it was wonderful to talk to people (face-to-face or face-to-mask) about my novels and short stories.
I'm with fellow YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS authors Larry Berliner and Linda Griffin.
Each of us signed a few books.
Liliana purchased both of my newest books: Doing the Write Thing and
George's Mother and Other Weird Stories.
* * *
I wrote a post for Chris Rice Cooper's "Inside the Emotion of Fiction" blog, which was published on August 9. It focuses on "Wrong Road," one of the tales in my new collection, George's Mother and Other Weird Stories. Read my comments here:
* * *
Here's a copy of the article about George's Mother and Other Weird Stories that appeared in the May 19th edition of the Northern Westchester Examiner--and a link to online version:
* * *
An article about my new short story collection ran in the April 29th edition of the Yorktown News
* * *
On March 4, I read stories to students in Grades 3 - 8 of St. Patrick's School in Yorktown Heights, NY. Here are some photos:
I read stories from The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales to the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders in the cozy library.
I read "Jeremy's Toys" to the 3rd graders, with Principal Rebecca Steck joining us. The students asked great questions about the story.
I read "EVERYTHING $50!" to the fourth and fifth graders, who were super-enthusiastic listeners. They too asked many questions about writing.
I moved to the gym to read "The Factory" to the sixth, seventh, and eighth graders. I was thrilled when the students asked me to read a second story! I chose "Dare to Dream."
* * *
Harriet loves my supernatural thrillers! I see her each February at a Military Bridge event in Queens, NY. Last year, she read After the Bubbles so on February 1st, she purchased the concluding book of The Touchers series: Soldier Girl.
On December 14, I participated in Deck the Mall at the Jefferson Valley Mall in Yorktown Heights, NY. Here are two pictures:
This was another YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event so I shared a table with authors Larry Berliner and Linda Griffin. We were originally placed inside the back entrance next to Dick's Sporting Goods, but had little traffic even though the Mall was very busy because shoppers were either entering or leaving the Mall and didn't want to take time to look at books. When we moved near the second-floor escalator, more people checked out our table, but few bought books.
Sue, an avid reader, purchased a signed copy of my short story collection, The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
* * *
On December 7, I signed copies of my books at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School's Christmas Fair in Shrub Oak, NY. Again, we had perfect holiday weather (sunny and cold)--and lots of traffic. Here come the photos:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event so I shared a table with fellow authors Larry Berliner and Linda Griffin.
John and Susan, both Dean Koontz and Stephen King fans, already have Peachwood Lake, which they loved, so they opted for a signed copy of my King-inspired first novel, DUST.
After skimming through my books, 14-year-old Jasmin chose the mind-control thriller, Corsonia.
Mary Jane and her daughter, Susan, wanted a copy of Peachwood Lake as a gift for one of their younger relatives.
Sean, shopping with his girlfriend, Susan, chose a signed copy of The Disappearance for his 20-year-old daughter, Lauren.
Eleven-year-old Emily, who loves to read, decided on a signed copy of DUST.
Dawn chose a copy of Corsonia as a gift for her adult daughter, Alene.
* * *
I had my annual Black Friday Book Sale, November 29 at the Jefferson Valley Mall in Yorktown Heights, NY. The weather was fine and the table was in a great location by the main entrance. But even with low book prices and a super location, the attractive table didn't attract many customers. (See November 30 blog post for my reasons why.) Meanwhile, here are some pictures:
I shared the table with fellow author (and husband) Larry Berliner. Because of a broken escalator, many people passed by our book-filled table to enter or exit the elevator right next to us. Unfortunately, the extra traffic didn't increase our sales.
Fortunately, Brigit is a reader. Although she doesn't like gory novels, she enjoys mysteries so she chose my time travel thriller, The Disappearance, and Larry's award-winning humor book, You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life.
Jim wanted a signed copy of my short story collection, The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales as a gift for his friend, Sylvia.
Katrina chose The Disappearance and her daughter, Karina, a college student majoring in education, selected Larry's funny book about teaching and life.
* * *
On November 16, I participated in a Holiday Craft Fair at the VFW post in Brewster, NY. This was a small, cozy venue with many hand-crafted items. Here are a few photos:
At this YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event, Larry Berliner, Linda Griffin, and I were a bit squeezed for space. No room for posters--but I did get to display my banner.
After skimming through my books, 13-year-old Claire chose The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
April wanted a signed copy of DUST for her 10-year-old twin sons, Jack and Ryan.
Heather was looking forward to reading my time travel thriller, The Disappearance.
* * *
I signed my books at St. Patrick's Craft Fair in Yorktown Heights, NY on November 9. It was a frigid, winter-like day, but at least it wasn't snowing--and the weather put shoppers in a holiday-buying mood. Some pictures follow:
This was a YIKES! and YUKS event so I shared a table with fellow author (and husband), Larry Berliner.
Harold, a mystery fan, chose a signed copy of The Disappearance.
Sue wanted to read my mind-control thriller, Corsonia, and Larry's award-winning funny book, You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life.
Last year, Kathleen purchased Peachwood Lake and The Disappearance for her granddaughter, who loved the books--so this year she's giving Madison (nearly 14), signed copies of Corsonia and The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
Kathy chose a signed copy of Soldier Girl for her soldier-girl daughter, Rita, an Army lieutenant who's being sent to Poland and will have lots of time to read.
"Do you have any dystopian novels?" Ava's mom asked me. "Yes!" I shouted. Twelve-year-old Ava loves end-of-the-world fiction so she'll soon be reading After the Bubbles.
* * *
On November 2, I participated in a Christmas Craft Fair at Holy Rosary Church in Hawthorne, NY. It was a cold, sunny day--perfect weather for the first winter holiday event. Here come the photos:
We had plenty of room for our books and posters. I shared two large tables with fellow YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS authors, Larry Berliner and Linda Griffin. We had lots of shoppers in the morning, but few in the afternoon. Why? No one knows.
Joe, who loves mysteries, chose a signed copy of my time travel-thriller, The Disappearance.
Karen wanted to read Corsonia, my mind control-themed thriller.
Mom and Grandma got signed books as gifts for two girls: DUST for Natalia, 13, and The Disappearance for Diana, 15.
Nine-year-old AJ, an excellent reader., skimmed the back-cover blurb for DUST and said he wanted to read the book so his grandmother, Karen, coordinator of the event, purchased a signed copy for him.
* * *
On October 27, at P.S. 81's Fall Festival in the Riverdale section of The Bronx, I shared a table with fellow YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS authors, Larry Berliner and Linda Griffin. Despite heavy rain, many parents attended with their children, but the adults were mostly interested in kids-oriented crafts activities and I didn't sign any books. I'm hoping for better luck next at next week's event.
* * *
On October 12, I participated in a Halloween Festival and Parade in Mesier Park in Wappingers Falls, NY. A few photos follow:
This was another YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event so I shared a table with fellow authors, Larry Berliner and Linda Griffin. It was a gorgeous summer-like day (without wind) and after we were initially assigned a spot on a minor path with no traffic--and I complained--we were given a good location on the main path.
There was a small stone monument next to our table so we were able to set up a display of our signs, which attracted passers-by. (Notice that my Touchers and Thrillers signs look rather weird--but that's okay because I write weird books.)
I signed a copy of Corsonia for Rosemary, who enjoys reading thrillers...
...and I signed another copy of Corsonia for Geniene, who also loves reading thrillers.
* * *
On October 5, I signed copies of my books at Yorktown Community Day at the Jefferson Valley Mall in Yorktown Heights, NY. Here are some pictures:
I shared a large table near the 2nd floor food court with Larry Berliner, author of the award-winning humor book, You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life.
Heather, a former teacher who loves to read, chose a signed copy of Peachwood Lake.
Mariana, who purchased DUST when it was first published, wanted two of my books this time: Corsonia and The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
Tracy, who loves reading supernatural thrillers, chose a signed copy of DUST.
Connie was excited about reading my Twilight Zone-like short stories: The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
* * *
On September 28, I participated in Buchanan Day, celebrated in the village's pavilion. A few photos follow below.
This was a YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event so I shared a table with fellow authors, Larry Berliner and Linda Griffin. It was a hot day so it was great being inside the pavilion--except for the huge wind gusts that knocked down our books and posters. But I was able to hang my banner on the fence behind the table.
Jim listened to a description of my novels and chose a signed copy of my time travel thriller, The Disappearance.
Thirteen-year-old Brady was excited about reading DUST--and having the novel signed by me, the author.
* * *
On August 29, I took part in the third Sunset Market in the parking lot of the Jefferson Valley Mall in Yorktown, NY. Although the weather was hot, it was cooler than the first two events. Again, unfortunately, books weren't popular with folks attending the event. Here are a couple of photos.
I shared a table with Larry Berliner, author of the award-winning humor book, You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life. We couldn't display our posters because of the gusty winds.
Eleven-year old Nadia, who loves to read, chose Peachwood Lake, a thriller that centers around a 13-year-old girl.
* * *
On the evening of July 25, I participated in the second Sunset Market outside the Jefferson Valley Mall in Yorktown, NY. The weather was sunny and hot--but cooler than the June event. We had lots of traffic, but very few readers.
This was another YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event so I shared a table with fellow authors Larry Berliner and Linda Griffin. (Again, this photo was taken in twilight.)
I did find one reader: Gabriela loves supernatural thrillers and she chose a signed copy of DUST.
* * *
A great story about me and my new novel, Soldier Girl, written by Abby Luby, appeared in the July 16 edition of the Northern Westchester Examiner.
* * *
On June 25, I participated in the first of three summer Sunset Markets in the Jefferson Valley Mall in Yorktown Heights, NY. Here come the pictures:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event so I shared two tables with fellow authors Larry Berliner and Linda Griffin. Although the event started at 5 pm, it was still super hot and sunny. (This photo was taken at twilight when it was much more comfortable.)
Twelve-year-old Will, who loves to read, selected DUST,a favorite of all ages.
Christina chose signed copies of both books of my dystopian series, The Touchers: After the Bubbles & Soldier Girl and Larry Berliner's award-winning funny book, You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life.
Iris enjoys reading mysteries so she wanted a copy of my time travel thriller, The Disappearance.
* * *
On June 8, I showcased my books at Festival at the Falls, a town-wide event in Wappingers Falls, NY. For a change, it was a beautiful sunny day. Here are a few photos:
I shared a table near the Grinnell Library with author Larry Berliner. Luckily, a nearby maple tree gave us some shade on the hot day.
Paul's daughter, Paula, purchased The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales as an early Father's Day present.
Mary and Steve chose a signed copy of my mind-control thriller, Corsonia.
Debbie enjoys reading mysteries so she selected my time travel thriller,The Disappearance.
* * *
On June 2, I participated in a Father's Day/Elks Club Fundraiser with Larry Berliner at the Yorktown (NY) Elks Club. It was a small venue, off the main road, and unfortunately very few people attended. Here come the photos:
We had a large table--lots of room for our books--against the wall so I was able to hang my banner under the Elks' certificates.
When Linda, a fellow vendor, discovered Larry and I wrote the books, she wanted signed copies of The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales and Larry's award-winning funny book, You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life.
Another vendor, Tracy, loves mystery thrillers and had hoped to win a raffle prize of three of our books. Although she didn't win, Tracy was fascinated by the mind-control theme of Corsonia and bought that novel. Afterwards. she was excited to learn that one of the book's main characters is named Tracie.
* * *
On May 11, I showcased my books at a Spring Vendor Fair in Buchanan, NY. Here are a few photos:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event so I shared table space with authors Larry Berliner and Linda Griffin. We were inside the Buchanan Pavilion--a lovely facility with a roof and open sides--perfect for authors who don't want wind knocking down their posters.
I signed a copy of The Disappearance, my time travel thriller, for Gloria.
Florence wanted a signed copy of my short story collection, The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
Fourteen-year-old Yulissa was excited about reading my doomsday thriller, After the Bubbles, which is narrated by a 15-year-old girl. She's also looking forward to reading the sequel, Soldier Girl.
Cheryl, one of the event organizers, chose a signed copy of The Disappearance.
* * *
At the annual Yorktown Penny Saver reunion at King Buffet in Peek skill on April 3, Lynne (l) and Bernadine, two former co-workers, wanted signed copies of my doomsday thriller, After the Bubbles.
* * *
A photo of Larry Berliner and me with our customers at the March 16th "Meet the Authors" talk at the Jefferson Valley Mall in Yorktown, NY (see below) appeared on the front page of the Northern Westchester Examiner. What a wonderful surprise!
* * *
On March 16, I took part in a "MEET THE AUTHORS" event at the Jefferson Valley Mall in Yorktown, NY with Larry Berliner and Linda Griffin.We talked about our books, our publishing journeys, and read excerpts of our work.Here are a few photos:
We had our talk outside the Book Nook (an appropriate place), at the edge of the Mall's Food Court.
I spoke about my novels and short story collection, The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales. The Mall was a wonderful host, providing us with comfy furniture and a sound system.
In addition to talking about our books, we also signed a few. Kathy, who loves reading mysteries, purchased three of mine: DUST, The Disappearance, and Corsonia.
Connie chose a signed copy of The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales, while her daughter, Rachael, selected Larry Berliner's award-winning funny book, You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life.
* * *
On March 3, I participated in SAVE A LIFE, a wonderful mental wellness program for high school students, organized by the Alliance for Safe Kids (ASK). The event, at Yorktown High School, featured a performance by John Morello.
This was a YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event so I shared a (narrow) table with authors Larry Berliner & Linda Griffin. Unfortunately, although the program was excellent, we didn't sign any books.
* * *
Harriet loves reading my supernatural thrillers! She purchased After the Bubbles at a Military Bridge event in Queens, NY on February 2nd.
* * *
Signed books make great gifts!
In 2016, Patti, a fellow vendor, purchased my mind-control novel, Corsonia, as a Christmas gift for her boss. This year, she's giving her a signed copy of my new dystopian thriller, After the Bubbles.
* * *
On December 15, I signed copies of my books at a Last-Minute Holiday Gift Sale at the Jefferson Valley Mall in Yorktown Heights, NY. Here are a few pictures:
I again shared a table with fellow YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS authors Larry Berliner and Linda Griffin. We had a wonderful spot--near the elevator at the Mall entrance.
Toni, an avid reader, got two of my books--DUST and The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
Carmella chose my mind-control thriller, Corsonia, for her mother, Camille.
Paul, who loved "The Twilight Zone," purchased The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales for himself and Larry's book, You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher amuses about school and life, for his daughter, a new teacher.
* * *
On December 1, I showcased my books at Holiday Happiness at Primrose Elementary School in Lincolndale, NY. As usual, several photos follow:
At this event--just hours after the evening Holiday Shop--Larry Berliner, Linda Griffin, and I had to share one small table--but we managed. We were in the cafeteria, right next to the cupcakes, cookies, and donuts. Yum!
Jill purchased two of my novels--Corsonia and The Disappearance--for gifts. But she's going to read the books first.
Leslie wanted a signed copy of DUST for Samantha, who's graduating college.
Christine purchased a copy of The Disappearance for her three teen daughters: Adriana, Emily, and Vika (16 and 19-year-old twins).
Cheryl chose The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales as a gift for her husband.
Kevin enjoys reading mysteries so he selected a signed copy of The Disappearance.
* * *
On November 30, I participated in Van Cortlandtville Elementary School's annual PTA Holiday Shop in Mohegan Lake, NY. Here are some pictures:
I shared two tables at this evening event with fellow YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS authors Linda Griffin and Larry Berliner so we had lots of room for our books.(Unfortunately, we had to bring the tables.)
Thirteen-year-old Naiya was excited about reading my time travel thriller,The Disappearance.
Judy was interested in mind-control so she chose a signed copy of Corsonia.
Although Benjamin is only eight-years-old, he's a gifted reader. He wanted a signed copy of DUST--and his dad agreed.
Chandra had something to smile about--her new signed copy of The Disappearance.
Tony purchased a copy of Corsonia for his wife, Ida, who loves supernatural thrillers.
* * *
On Black Friday--November 23--I had my annual book sale at the Jefferson Valley Mall in Yorktown Heights, NY. A few photos follow:
Larry Berliner and I shared two tables near the entrance to the Mall so we had a wonderful location and lots of room to display our books. Unfortunately, most shoppers weren't interested in signed books as gifts.
Rosa, however, was interested in books. She purchased The Disappearance for herself and two copies of Larry's funny book, You Can't Be Serious:An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life for her child's teachers.
Irene, a vendor for the Putnam County SPCA, loves science fiction so she also selected a signed copy of The Disappearance.
Danielle too chose The Disappearance as a gift for her husband, Fred, who loves receiving signed books.
Finally, some other book choices! After the Bubbles and The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales were these readers' favorites.
* * *
On November 10, I showcased my books at St. Patrick's School's Craft Fair in Yorktown Heights, NY. As usual, here come the pictures:
This was another YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event so I shared a table with fellow authors Linda Griffin and Larry Berliner. This fair featured a lovely selection of craft gifts for the holidays.
Francesca chose a signed copy of The Disappearance for her daughter, Simona, a librarian who loves reading Young Adult books.
Maria was looking forward to reading her signed copy of Corsonia.
Twelve-year-old Diana, an aspiring writer, wanted to read my time-travel thriller, The Disappearance.
Melissa's mom, Miriam, loves "The Twilight Zone," so Melissa purchased a signed copy of The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales as a gift for her.
Since her 12-year-old granddaughter, Madison, is an avid reader, Kathleen selected two books as gifts for her--Peachwood Lake and The Disappearance.
* * *
On November 3, I signed my books at Holy Rosary Church's Christmas Craft Fair in Hawthorne, NY. Here come some pictures:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event so I shared a table with fellow authors Linda Griffin and Larry Berliner. This was our first holiday event and it drew a large crowd.
Gail purchased signed copies of The Disappearance and The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales and two signed copies of Larry Berliner's funny book:You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life.
Kathy wanted a signed copy of my mind-control thriller, Corsonia, for her 14-year-old grandson, Andrew.
Gertrude loved my time travel thriller, The Disappearance, so she wanted to read my new doomsday thriller, After the Bubbles.
Marie decided to get a signed copy of Corsonia as a holiday gift.
Even though Chantell has two young children, she makes sure she has time to read. She was looking forward to reading After the Bubbles.
* * *
On October 13, I participated in the third annual Indie Author Day with Larry Berliner and two other local authors. Here are a few photos:
Larry Berliner and I showcased our books in North Castle Library in Armonk, NY. The library had planned workshops and panels, but we had a small turnout so we opted instead for individual conversations with library visitors.
Here's our group of authors and the librarian who organized the event: (l to r) me; humor author, Larry Berliner; aspiring author, Jonathan Schwartz; reference librarian, Mary Johnson; women's fiction author, Barbara Solomon Josselsohn; financial author, Kolonji Murray. Quite an eclectic group!
I signed a copy of The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales for Aurora, who loves short stories.
* * *
On September 29, I participated in the Maryknoll Sisters' Fall Festival in Ossining, NY. It was a gorgeous early-fall day, 70 degrees and sunny. Some photos follow:
This was another YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event so I shared space with fellow authors Linda Griffin and Larry Berliner.
Rebecca, a college student, was anxious to read my collection of short stories, The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
Ali chose a signed copy of my new doomsday thriller, After the Bubbles, which she intends to read on her train commute to work.
Jim also decided to read my Twilight Zone-like short stories, The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
* * *
On September 22, I signed copies of my books at the Fall Festival at Yorktown Assisted Living Residence (formerly Fieldhome) in Cortlandt Manor, NY. Other than some wind gusts (never good for posters), it was a lovely day.
This was a YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event so I shared a double table with fellow authors Linda Griffin and Larry Berliner.
Lou, a mystery fan, chose my time travel thriller, The Disappearance.
Debbie, a fellow vendor, wanted to read my mind-control thriller, Corsonia.
13-year-old Elizabeth was excited about reading DUST, a favorite choice of middle-schoolers. (It's a page-turner and short--perfect for book reports.)
Christian, a karate instructor, will be reading my new Dystopian novel, After the Bubbles.
* * *
A story about After the Bubbles appeared in the September 13 edition of the Yorktown News:
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On September 12, Larry Berliner and I were guests on Vinny Dacquino's cable TV show. We talked about our books and the writing process.
* * *
There's a great story about my new doomsday novel, After the Bubbles,in the July 24 edition of Northern Westchester Examiner.Here's the article:
* * *
On July 21, I participated in "Meet the Local Authors" Day at the John C. Hart Library in Shrub Oak, NY with author Larry Berliner and other area writers. I met a lot of lovely people, most of whom were interested in reading books--but not purchasing them.Here are a few photos:
Each author had a large table so I had plenty of room to display all my books.
Larry also had lots of space for his award-winning funny new book: You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life.
Elaine--a huge time travel fan--wanted a signed copy of The Disappearance.
* * *
On April 24, Larry Berliner was the guest speaker at the Northeast Westchester Rotary Club's dinner meeting at Le ane Ristorante in Katonah, NY. I was a guest--and the photographer. Here are a few pictures:
Larry talked about his funny new book, You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life.
Larry signed a copy of his book for Pat's daughter, a special ed teacher and...
I signed a copy of my mind control thriller, Corsonia, for June--a fellow Berliner--though not a relative.
* * *
On March 18, I participated in Save-A-Life at Lakeland High School in Shrub Oak, NY. This valuable event for teens, sponsored by the Alliance for Safe Kids (ASK), featured a fantastic presentation by clinical psychologist Dr. Michael Fowlin and student workshops on relevant mental health issues. Here are a few photos:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event so I shared a table with fellow authors Linda Griffin and Larry Berliner.
Theresa chose a signed copy of DUST for two of her children: Peter, 15, and Daly, 11.
Noah, a fan of "The Twilight Zone," purchased The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales for himself and Larry's new book, You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life for his mom, a retired teacher.
* * *
Larry Berliner and I were featured in the February 7th edition of the Yorktown News. The article discusses our recent talks to the Yorktown Rotary Club:
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On January 10th, I was invited to be a guest speaker at the Yorktown Rotary Club's weekly meeting. Here are a few photos:
The Rotary Club meets in Kirby's restaurant in Yorktown Heights. As always, I was happy to talk about how I became a fiction writer.
I discussed how I got the ideas for each of my novels and why I wrote a collection of short stories (to take a break from writing The Touchers).
I also handed out pages detailing various dust devil incidents that have occurred since DUST was published. After I finished speaking, I answered questions and then ate a delicious burger. (Kirby's makes the best burgers!)
* * *
On December 16th, I had a Last-Minute Shopping Event at the Jefferson Valley Mall in Yorktown, NY. Here are a few photos:
I shared a table with husband, Larry, author of the new book of funny stories, You Can't Be Serious: An inner city teacher a-muses about school and life. This time, we were on the ground floor near the main entrance--a good location.
Julia, 12, needed a "challenging" book for school, so she chose a signed copy of The Disappearance.
Bella purchased a signed copy of DUST for her 18-year-old sister, Gaby.
Susan chose a copy of The Disappearance for her mother, an avid reader.
* * *
On December 10, I participated in the Eastchester Library Book Festival with five other local authors. We occupied an alcove on the main floor, with cookies and coffee. While a few patrons treated themselves to refreshments, library visitors ignored our attractive displays and our books. Here's a picture of Larry and me in front of our table.
* * *
On December 9, I went back to The Bronx--where I grew up-- to sign books at Preston High School's Christmas Craft Festival.
This was even more of a homecoming for Larry Berliner, since he taught in I.S. 192, a few blocks away from Preston High School. Larry was hoping to see some of his former students--and he did. (He probably would have seen more if it hadn't snowed, lowering afternoon attendance.)
Maria, a paraprofessional at a nearby school, got a copy of Larry's new book, You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life for her teacher and my time-travel thriller, The Disappearance, for her 16-year-old daughter, Marisa.
Anna chose Larry's funny new book as a gift for her daughter, Kali--and Peachwood Lake for her 12-year-old granddaughter, also named Anna.
Meagan, an Iona College student (with dad, Eddie), chose two of my books--Corsonia and The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
Another college student, Sarah, who attends Fordham University and enjoys reading and writing fantasy, also wanted to read my weird short stories.
Caitlin, 13, looks forward to reading DUST, while mom, Susan, is anxious to read You Can't Be Serious.
* * *
On December 2, I signed copies of my books at Holiday Happiness in Primrose School in Lincolndale, NY. Here are some photos:
This was a Westchester Indie Author event and I shared a table with (l to r) authors Linda Griffin, Janet Garber, Mel Parish, and Larry Berliner. We had a very cramped table and no place to sit, but it was still a fun experience.
Even though Peachwood Lake deals with a 13-year-old girl's growing pains, boys continue to favor this evil fish story. Ten-year-old Vince carefully examined all my books before making his choice.
Rachel, 12, isn't fond of reading, but she decided to take a chance on DUST, a quick and easy read for all ages. Mom, Janine, plans to read the book too.
Camera-shy Mary chose a signed copy of The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales for her daughter, Jean.
* * *
On November 26, I participated in the Frosty Day Holiday Boutique in St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Armonk, NY. A few pictures follow:
This was the second YIKES! & YUKS event so I shared two round tables with husband Larry Berliner, author of the new book, You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life.
Toni, who lives in Ohio, was visiting family in Armonk and decided to purchase a signed copy of DUST.
Cynthia chose two copies of my time travel thriller, The Disappearance, to give as gifts.
* * *
On November 24, I had a Black Friday Sale at the Jefferson Valley Mall in Yorktown Heights. Here are a few photos:
This was a YIKES! & YUKS event: I shared a table with Larry Berliner, author of the new collection of humorous stories, You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life.
Fifteen-year-old Amanda purchased a signed copy of The Disappearance--and apparently Olaf is also a fan of time travel thrillers.
Lesia took my bookmarks and returned for signed copies of three of my novels: Corsonia, DUST, and Peachwood Lake.
Analia, a school nurse and an avid reader, is looking forward to reading DUST.
* * *
On November 18, I participated in a Holiday Fair at Trinity Lutheran Church in White Plains, NY. Here are some pictures from the event:
This was a Westchester Indie Author event and I shared a table with Larry Berliner and mystery and suspense novelist, Mel Parish.
Katherine purchased a signed copy of Peachwood Lake for her granddaughter, Alexandra, who just turned 13.
Beth, a retired teacher, wanted a signed copy of Larry's new book, You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life for herself and a signed copy of The Disappearance for her husband, Mike.
This camera-shy artist and fellow vendor, who wished to remain anonymous, chose a signed copy of my mind-control themed novel, Corsonia.
* * *
On November 11, I signed copies of my books at the Holy Rosary Church's Christmas Craft Fair in Hawthorne, NY. Here come the photos:
This was another YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event so I shared a table with fellow authors Linda Griffin and Larry Berliner. With more than 50 vendors, this craft fair attracted many shoppers looking for holiday gifts.
Teresa purchased signed copies of The Disappearance and The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales for her 13-year-old daughter, Natalie.
Pat also chose a signed copy of The Disappearance for her 15-year-old granddaughter, Megan.
Judy, an avid reader, was excited about getting a signed copy of DUST.
The Disappearance was a popular choice at this holiday fair. Gertrude also chose a copy of my time travel thriller.
* * *
On November 4, I participated in the Asbury United Methodist Church's Holidays Artisan Fair in Croton, NY, the first seasonal event. Here are some photos:
This was the premiere YIKES! & TYKES & YUKS event, with fellow authors Linda Griffin and Larry Berliner sharing my table. It was a well-attended fair with many shoppers buying gifts for the holidays.
Larry had bought DUST (which he loved) at my first book signing in 2009. Now he was anxious to read The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
Another Larry--my husband--signed his first copy of You Can't Be Serious: An inner-city teacher a-muses about school and life for Amy, an avid reader.
Natalia and Scott were interested in the descriptions of all my books--and then decided to purchase my time-travel thriller, The Disappearance.
Sheila was excited about reading my mind-control themed novel, Corsonia.
Jack chose two of our books for holiday gifts: The Sea Crystal for his wife and You Can't be Serious for his daughter.
* * *
On October 27, I attended an Open Mic Night at the Somers (NY) Library. Members of the Somers Writers Group read Halloween-themed poems and stories and I ended the evening with "Dare to Dream" from The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales. Many thanks to author Janet Garber for inviting me!
* * *
On October 15, I was a vendor at Family Fun Day, held at Hudson Valley Karate in Wappingers Falls, NY. A few photos follow:
This was a small event in an out-of-the-way location and we had hardly any traffic.
Jackson, 12, was fascinated by the premise of Peachwood Lake. It's the second week in a row a boy purchased this book, even though it focuses on Kady, a 13-year-old girl.
* * *
On October 14, I participated in the 2nd annual Indie Author Day at the Eastchester (NY) Public Library. Here are a couple of photos:
This year's event featured 10 Westchester authors and a wide variety of genres--from novels and poetry to cookbooks, children's books, and memoirs.
I was a member of two panels--a Fiction panel and the above panel, called "From first draft to finished product --what's involved?" My fellow panelists were (l. to r.) Barbara Santarelli, memoir author; Barbara Nachman, fashion-themed murder mysteries novelist; and Andi Rosenthal, historical novelist.
* * *
On October 7, I signed copies of my books at the 4th Unitarian Society of Westchester's Arts & Crafts Fair in Mohegan Lake, NY.Here are a few photos:
I shared a table with Janet Garber, author of the award-winning humorous novel, Dream Job.
Carolyn was excited about reading her signed copy of Corsonia.
Even though Peachwood Lake centers on a 13-year-old girl, Paul, 12, wanted to read this evil-fish story.
Claudia chose a copy of my book of short stories: The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
* * *
On September 23, I participated in the Montrose (NY) Fall Festival, which was supposed to be a Spring Festival, but got rained out. We had sunny summer weather--maybe a bit too hot. Here come the photos:
About 20 vendors lined up across the lawn of Hendrick Hudson High School on Albany Post Road, a main thoroughfare.
Samuel is just 9 1/2, but he's an excellent reader, so his dad wanted him to have signed copies of DUST and The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
Patti was excited about reading her signed copy of The Disappearance during breaks at work.
Castalia, 10, an unfortunate Jets fan like me, wanted to read DUST.
Saren chose a signed copy of Corsonia as a holiday gift for her 21-year-old daughter, Chiara.
Zoe, 14, and her mom opted for a signed copy of The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
It's election season and Mary Breining, Receiver of Taxes for the Town of Cortlandt, who is running for re-election, took a moment to purchase a signed copy of DUST.
* * *
On September 16, I signed books at the United Methodist Church of Mount Kisco's Fall Flea Market. Here come the pictures:
This was an outdoor event on the church's front lawn and the weather was hot and sunny. But since it wasn't windy, my posters stayed up.
Sisters Sophia, 17 (left) and Hannah, 15, chose a signed copy of Corsonia.
Carole wanted a copy of The Disappearance for her 18-year-old niece, Chrissy.
Linda chose a signed copy of DUST for her 11-year-old granddaughter, Lily.
Chloe, 12 (center) with friend Lauren, was excited about reading her copy of Corsonia.
* * *
On September 9, I participated in Shine Bright Family Craft Fair, a charity event benefiting Maria Fareri Children's Hospital. Although the Mahopac, NY event was well-organized and featured mostly unique hand-crafted goods, it was off the main road and very few people attended. Here are a couple of photos:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES event so I shared a table with children's parenting author, Linda Griffin.
Bob Dumas, editor of the Mahopac News took photos of the vendors. As a reporter for the now-defunct North County News, Bob did the first interview with me after the publication of DUST.
* * *
On June 17, I participated in Yorktown Community Day, which was again held in the Jefferson Valley Mall in Yorktown Heights, NY. Here come the pictures:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES event with parent/children's author, Linda Griffin. We were near the main Mall entrance and inside, which was fortunate because it rained during the event.
Julie, who has read some of my books, purchased a signed copy of the short story collection, The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
Eleven-year-old Alexander and 10-year-old Ainhoa are looking forward to reading their signed copy of DUST.
Maria, who usually reads non-fiction (biographies) decided to try a novel: my mind-control thriller, Corsonia.
Ruby, an actress, chose a copy of The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales. She's interested in reading some of the stories aloud as a monologue. I suggested the two humorous first-person tales: "The Rapunzel Effect" and "The Plant Whisperer."
* * *
On May 6, I participated in the Ethical Culture Society of Westchester's Craft Fair in White Plains, NY. A few photos follow below:
This was a Westchester Indie Author event so I shared a table with four authors: (l. to r): psychological thriller novelist, Mel Parish; poet, Thea Schiller; comic novelist, Janet Garber; and children's/parenting author, Linda Griffin.
Linda wanted a signed copy of The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales and...
...Nora also purchased a copy of my Twilight Zone-like short story collection.
* * *
On April 21, I spoke to kindergarten students in Thomas Jefferson Elementary School in Yorktown Heights, NY about my books.Here are a couple of pictures:
The visit, with children's author, Linda Griffin, was part of the kindergarten's Community unit.
I talked about fiction vs non-fiction books and briefly described what my novels and short stories were about.
* * *
On April 9, I signed copies of my books at the Mother Nature Spring Festival in Cortlandt Manor, NY. Here are some photos:
Although the event at the Cortlandt Colonial restaurant featured a variety of interesting items for sale and fun activities for children, few people attended.
Fourteen-year-old Alyssa wanted to read my time travel thriller, The Disappearance.
I had a surprise visitor! Dianne Paulet, the graphic artist who designed the cover of Peachwood Lake, stopped by my table.
Keith, a "Twilight Zone" fan, chose a signed copy of The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
* * *
On April 2, I showcased my books at SAVE A LIFE 2017, at Lakeland High School in Shrub Oak (NY). The program, sponsored by ASK (Alliance for Safe Kids), featured keynote speaker, Jacy Good, a car-crash survivor who is a national advocate for cellphone-free roads. After her moving talk--which we all attended--visitors strolled along the hallway looking at the various exhibits.
My table was at the last in the hallway, but it faced the front so it could be easily seen. Some teens and adults checked my books, but many avoided the long walk (and maybe the books).
Corinne, with son, Joseph, selected a signed copy of The Disappearance for her 19-year-old daughter, Marina.
Teresa chose signed copies of Corsonia and The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales for her 13-year-old niece, Savannah, who wants to be a writer.
* * *
Harriet loves reading my books! I see her each year at a military bridge event so Saturday, February 4th, she purchased a signed copy of The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
* * *
Signed Books Make Great Holiday Gifts!
Patti, a fellow vendor who enjoyed The Disappearance, contacted me on December 23rd to purchase a last-minute gift for her boss, Linda, an avid reader. I met Patti at a local restaurant that night to give her a signed copy of Corsonia.
* * *
On December 9th, I signed copies of my books at an evening Holiday Shopping Boutique in Mount Kisco (NY) Elementary School. Here come the photos:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES event so I shared a table with parent and children's author, Linda Griffin.
Barbara decided she wanted a signed copy of my short story collection, The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
Since Bill's 10-year-old daughter, Gigi, loves time travel stories, for the holidays, he is giving her a signed copy of The Disappearance.
After Josh, a 7th grader, read the back cover blurb of DUST, he decided he wanted to read the thriller.
At the end of the event, Catherine picked up a wrapped and signed gift set of DUST and Peachwood Lake for her live-in babysitter.
* * *
On December 3rd, I participated in Holiday Happiness at Primrose Elementary School in Lincolndale, NY. It was a large event with 120 vendors spread throughout the building. Here are some photos:
I shared a table with suspense author Mel Parish (left) and children's/parent book author Linda Griffin. We were in a narrow hallway, with no room for chairs, so we sat on the window ledge's heating unit--a bit warm on our rear ends.
Karen wanted a copy of The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales for one of her two 20-something nieces.
Pat was excited about reading her signed copy of The Disappearance.
Barbara had read--and loved--DUST, Peachwood Lake, and The Disappearance so she wanted signed copies of my two most recent books: Corsonia and The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
Twelve-year-old Sophia chose autographed copies of Peachwood Lake and Corsonia.
I signed The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales for 12-year-old Charlotte and her younger brother, Sam.
* * *
On November 25th, I had a Black Friday Book Sale at the Jefferson Valley Mall in Yorktown Heights, NY. Here come the photos:
The large table in front of the first floor escalator showcased my five books and author Linda Griffin's award-winning children's book, Adopting Ginger.
Isabelle chose a signed copy of The Disappearance as a gift for her friend, Ashley.
Santa and Olaf checked out my "cool" books and stories.
Denise chose a signed copy of The Disappearance for her 16-year-old nephew, Alex.
Eleven-year-old Jacob decided to read DUST and...
...thirteen-year-old Francesca was excited about reading The Disappearance.
* * *
On November 20, I signed books at the Bronxville Women's Club Holiday Boutique in Bronxville, NY. A few pictures follow:
The Ladies in Red: This was a Westchester Indie Authors event so I shared a table with cookbook author Rinku Bhattacharya (l) and children's & parenting author, Linda Griffin. (Suspense author Mel Parish also participated.)
Joann chose a signed copy of DUST and...
Kitsy (another lady in red) wanted Adopting Ginger by Linda Griffin and my short story collection, The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
* * *
On November 19, I participated in a Holiday Boutique & Craft Fair at Trinity Lutheran Church in White Plains, NY. Here come the photos:
This was a Westchester Indie Author event so I shared a table with suspense author Mel Parish (l) and urban paranormal author/poet Kirsten Campbell.
Joe, a 15-year-old avid reader, was looking forward to reading DUST.
Helen chose a signed copy of Peachwood Lake.
Sisters Elika, 9, and Malisa, 11, who both love to read, will share a copy of DUST.
* * *
On November 10, I signed books at the Osborn Boutique, a shopping event for residents and staff of The Osborn, a senior living community in Rye, NY.
I shared a large table with contemporary mystery & suspense author, Mel Parish.
Barbara, a former advertising agency owner, chose a signed copy of DUST.
Mike wanted autographed copies of The Disappearance and DUST for his 13-year-old nephew, Michael Peter.
Prunella, a Bronx poet, was excited about reading her signed copy of Peachwood Lake.
* * *
On November 5, I participated in a Holidays Artisan Fair at the Asbury United Methodist Church in Croton-on-Hudson, NY. Although it was a small and cozy event, people were shopping for gifts--and for books.
This was a YIKES! & TYKES event so I shared a table with author, Linda Griffin.
Lorri chose a signed copy of The Disappearance as a Christmas gift for 13-year-old Cathleen, the eldest of her four daughters.
Laurie selected a signed copy of The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales as a gift for her sister, Amy.
Avid reader Amy (with Gracie) wanted signed copies of all five of my books.
Lee Ann chose a signed copy of The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
Tina, an Asbury Church volunteer, wanted signed copies of three of my novels: The Disappearance for her daughter, Claire; DUST for her family; and Peachwood Lake for herself.
At the end of the event, church volunteer Gloria chose a signed copy of DUST.
* * *
On October 29, I participated in a Halloween Shop & Treat fair in the Jefferson Valley Mall in Yorktown Heights, NY. Here come the photos:
I shared a table with psychological thriller author, Mel Parish, opposite the escalator on the upstairs level of the mall. There were many shoppers, but, unfortunately not many readers.
Glady was interested in mind-control so she chose a signed copy of Corsonia.
Sophia, nearly 12, was excited about reading my short story collection, The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
* * *
On October 28, I signed books at a Ladies Night Out event at Grace Lutheran Church in Yorktown Heights, NY to benefit Heavenly Helpers Relay for Life Team & the American Cancer Society. It was an interesting evening. Here are the photos:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES event so I shared a table with children's and parenting author, Linda Griffin.
Members of a local book club decided they wanted to read the mind-control thriller, Corsonia, so I signed copies for each of them (l to r) Perian, Sue, Mary Ann, me, Mary Ann, Sue, and Gail, the event organizer.
In addition to Corsonia, Perian also wanted to read my time travel thriller, The Disappearance.
With two small children, Casey wanted a quick read so she chose my short story collection, The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
* * *
On October 15, I participated in Ferry Festa in Dobbs Ferry, NY with members of Westchester Indie Authors. It was a LONG event (1pm - 8 pm). Here are the photos:
Ferry Festa covered the length of Main Street. The Westchester Indie Authors' booth, with authors Mel Parish and Linda Griffin, was across from the fire house.
Taylor, a sales rep for a major publishing house, chose a signed copy of The Disappearance.
Romance author Christina was excited about reading The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
Herm was fascinated by the concept of dust devils so he wanted a copy of DUST.
Sarah (l) chose a signed copy of Corsonia while her mother, Igina, selected The Disappearance. (Notice I'm now wearing a sweatshirt. The sun had set and the temperature dropped at least 10 degrees.)
Jack, who (like me) grew up in the Bronx, chose two of my novels for his 13-year-old daughter Gabriella--DUST and Corsonia.
It was dark outside when children's author Nancy, with Mark, selected a signed copy of The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
Ferry Festa was ending when Jim decided he wanted a signed copy of The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
* * *
On October 8, I participated in Indie Author Day, the first annual nationwide library celebration of independent writers, joining other members of Westchester Indie Authors (WIA) at the Eastchester (NY) Library. It was an eventful day--and here are the pictures to prove it:
The participating authors offered a wide variety of books--from cookbooks to European witches to poems and, of course, thrillers.
Self-publishing panel members Julianna Dawson, Carol Dommermuth, and Nate Levin talked about the pros and cons of publishing non-traditionally.
Rinku Bhattacharya, author of Indian cookbooks, gave a spice demonstration.
I was a member of the fiction panel, along with thriller writer, Mel Parish; children's author Linda Griffin; and urban paranormal author, Kirsten Campbell. Here I explained how I got the idea for Peachwood Lake.
We had a small, but enthusiastic, audience throughout the 5-hour presentation.
After we finished speaking, I signed a copy of The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales for Jennifer...
...and for Rurik, an indie sci-fi author.
* * *
On September 24, I participated in the Fieldhome Fall Festival in Cortlandt Manor, NY. It was a beautiful sunny day, perfect except for occasional wind gusts that made displaying signs and bookmarks difficult. Some pictures follow below:
My table display was much simpler than usual--no bookstands--everything flat on the table. Notice my new "Sea Crystal" tee shirt.
Beth was excited about reading The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
Fourteen-year-old Alexa loved DUST. Now she chose a signed copy of the mind-control novel, Corsonia.
Carol wanted signed copies of two of my books: The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales for herself and DUST for her daughter, Allison.
* * *
On August 31, I participated in a YIKES! & TYKES talk, with author Linda Griffin, at the Field Library in Peekskill, NY. Here are a couple of photos:
Linda and I each spoke about our books and read a few excerpts. Afterwards, we answered questions from the audience.
We had a small, but attentive, audience--and it's always great to talk writing!
* * *
On June 26, I signed copies of my books at a Flea Market in Northeast Jewish Center in Yonkers, NY. It was a gorgeous beach day, which cut down on shopper traffic. However, I did autograph a few books. Here are the photos:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES event so I shared a table with Linda Griffin, author of the parenting book, My Child Won't Listen... and the award-winning children's book, Adopting Ginger.
Fran, who likes weird books, chose a copy of my new collection of short stories, The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
I signed a copy of The Disappearance for Lilly's 18-year-old daughter, Hannah. But Lilly also intends to read the time travel novel.
Sheryl was excited about reading her copy of The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales.
* * *
On June 18, I participated in Yorktown Community Day with a table inside the Jefferson Valley Mall in Yorktown Heights, NY. Here are some photos from the event:
My table was against the escalator, which enabled me to hang my banner. That was a good thing. However, I was adjacent to the stage, which featured a continuous program of dancing and loud music, making conversation and interaction with customers impossible.
Charles, a representative of the Yorktown Historical Society, chose a signed copy of The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales for his wife, Norean, an avid reader of fiction.
This was one of the many dance performances that took place in front of my table. The girls did a terrific job, but no one could look at my books during that time.
Christina, a former co-worker who's read and enjoyed my novels, wanted a copy of my new paranormal short story collection.
Janeen also chose a signed copy of The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales for her nine-year-old daughter, Delanee, a talented singer, who performed "The Star Spangled Banner" at the beginning of the event.
* * *
On June 4, I participated in the Springfest Craft Fair on the front lawn of Hendrick Hudson High School in Montrose, NY. We were rained out in early May, but this time the weather was dry. Unfortunately, it was uncomfortably hot and humid, which held down the crowds. Still it was great to talk to people about my books. Here come the pictures:
This was my first event since the publication of The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales, and it was exciting to show off my book of short stories.
Ray wanted a signed copy of The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales. In fact, he returned to my table to tell me he had already started reading one of the stories.
Carmine, a fan of time travel stories, chose a signed copy of The Disappearance.
Barbara picked up a copy of The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales for daughter, Kacie, who had read and enjoyed DUST.
Dave chose a signed copy of The Disappearance--summer reading for his wife, Jill.
Ray, a fellow vendor, wanted to read The Sea Crystal and Other Weird Tales because he prefers short stories to lengthy books.
* * *
An interview about THE SEA CRYSTAL and Other Weird Tales ran in the May 24th edition of The Northern Westchester Examiner.
* * *
On December 12, I participated in a YIKES! & TYKES book signing for last-minute holiday shoppers at the Jefferson Valley Mall in Yorktown NY. Here come the photos:
Eleven-year-old Gracie was looking forward to reading her signed copy of DUST.
Lisa chose a copy of The Disappearance for her 21-year-old daughter, Liz.
Lida got signed books for two of her granddaughters: Adopting Ginger by author Linda Griffin for Felicia, 9, and Peachwood Lake as a surprise for Melonie, 13, who, like Kady, the novel's 13-year-old main character, hopes to become a writer.
Dede was looking for books to read--so she chose copies of DUST, Peachwood Lake, and The Disappearance.
* * *
On December 5, I signed books at a Holiday Boutique at the Montrose (NY) Fire Department. Here are some pictures:
Ginny chose a signed copy of Peachwood Lake for her granddaughter, Julia,13, who, like Kady, the book's 13-year-old main character, wants to be a writer.
Ten-year-old Tyler also opted for Peachwood Lake and a few minutes later...
...he returned to pick up a signed copy of DUST.
Diane chose copies of The Disappearance and Peachwood Lake as gifts for her two daughters, ages 12 and 19.
* * *
On November 27, I signed copies of my novels at the Jefferson Valley Mall's Black Friday Extravaganza in Yorktown, NY. Finally, people were in gift-buying mode! It was a super event so I've posted a bunch of photos.
Queen Elsa and Frosty were excited about Peachwood Lake and Corsonia plus author Linda Griffin's Adopting Ginger and My Child Won't Listen.
I signed both DUST and The Disappearance for 12-year-old Alexa.
Thirteen-year-old Erin was looking forward to reading Peachwood Lake--a thriller starring a 13-year-old girl.
Michelle chose a signed copy of Corsonia for herself and her two teen daughters.
Jennifer wanted a signed copy of The Disappearance for her 12-year-old niece, Kate.
Caryn chose copies of DUST, Peachwood Lake, and Corsonia-- each a gift, inscribed to one of her daughters, ages 14, 17, and 22.
Not everyone was shopping for gifts. Sue wanted The Disappearance for herself.
Ruojing was looking forward to reading my newest novel, Corsonia.
These fourteen-year-old friends were really excited about reading my thrillers. Michelle chose Peachwood Lake and Valiana selected The Disappearance.
* * *
On November 21, I participated in the Buchanan-Verplanck PTA's Holiday Fair, in Buchanan, NY. Here come the pictures!
This was a YIKES! & TYKES event so I again shared a table with author Linda Griffin.
I signed a copy of DUST for Alec, a 5th grader, who had listened to my short story, "Everything $50!," in October when I read it to his class.
Tresha, shopping with her son, Sean, got a signed copy of The Disappearance as a gift for her 16-year-old daughter, Sara.
Even Santa loves to read a good thriller!
Carmen, a fellow vendor, was excited about reading DUST.
* * *
On November 14, I signed copies of my novels at the Cortlandt Town Center's Holiday Fair in Mohegan Lake, NY. And, of course, I posed for a few pictures:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES event so I again shared a table with Linda Griffin, author of the children's book, Adopting Ginger, and the parenting book, My Child Won't Listen...
Helen was excited about reading her signed copy of The Disappearance.
Kathy, an avid thriller reader, chose both DUST and The Disappearance.
15-year-old Julia was looking forward to reading her signed copy of The Disappearance.
* * *
On November 5, I autographed copies of my novels at the Senior Expo, held in the Jefferson Valley Mall in Yorktown Heights, NY. Here are a few pictures:
I shared a table with Doris Nieves, author of Misconceptions, a sequel to Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.
Vicki, from the Putnam Humane Society, brought Oreo, who's up for adoption, to the event. She was looking forward to reading DUST, which features Benny, a perceptive dog.
The dynamic duo of Elvis and Santa entertained the crowd.
Eva chose a signed copy of the time-travel thriller, The Disappearance.
* * *
On October 22, I participated in Buchanan-Verplanck Elementary School's Literacy Night with a book signing. It was an awesome experience! The school even sent flyers home so parents and children could preorder my novels. Here are many photos:
PTA President, Laura, chose signed copies of Peachwood Lake and The Disappearance.
Skylar, a 4th grader whose mother coordinated the event, got all four novels while Ezra, a 2nd grader, chose DUST.
Emily, a 4th grade writer, chose DUST...and so did fellow 4th grader, Jason.
Joe, a 7th grader, selected DUST while 4th grader Mia chose The Disappearance and DUST.
Fifth graders Madison (left) and Tiffany both chose The Disappearance. Tiffany also selected DUST.
Eddy chose DUST while Valerie, my "ambassador" on Wednesday, selected Corsonia. Both are 5th graders.
* * *
On October 21, as part of "Pick a Reading Partner" (PARP) Week, I was invited to read two of my short stories to students at Buchanan-Verplanck Elementary School in Buchanan, NY. I really enjoyed the experience--and I think the kids did too! Here are a few pictures:
The day started with a Book Parade. Students paraded through the hall with their favorite books. Note the "Book Fairy" (aka Reading Teacher) in the forefront.
I read "Jeremy's Toys," a short story from my new collection , to the third graders.
Before I read to the fourth graders, principal Josh Cohen spoke to the children.
I read "Everything $50!" to both the fourth-graders and fifth-graders.
* * *
On October 20, I was the guest speaker at St. Patrick's Senior Club in Yorktown, NY. I talked about my novels (of course!) and the creative writing process. Afterwards, I signed copies of the books. Check out the photos:
Lots of people attended the meeting--nearly a hundred. This group seems to schedule many activities. Very impressive!
When I do a presentation, I always hand out news clippings of real dust devil events. Here, Joan, the program chairperson, helped me distribute my papers.
At the end of the meeting, Lola chose a signed copy of The Disappearance...
...and, after seeing all those dust devils, Pat wanted to read DUST.
Joan was anxious to read her signed copies of Corsonia and DUST.
* * *
On October 3, I participated in "Think Pink" at the Jefferson Valley Mall in Yorktown, NY. The event, supporting the fight against breast cancer, featured a fashion show by breast cancer survivors, terrific free food (pizza, sweet potato pie, pink ices), and dance performances. Here come the photos!
This was a YIKES! & TYKES event so I shared a table with fellow author Linda Griffin. Since we were again located next to the escalator, I was able to display my banner.
Because 10-year-old Veronica is such a good reader, her mom encouraged her to choose a signed copy of DUST.
These three girls performed a powerfully emotional dance, titled "The Battle of Cancer: The Power of Friends."
Pat was looking forward to reading her signed copy of Corsonia.
* * *
On September 19, I signed copies of my novels at Fieldhome's Fall Festival in Cortlandt Manor, NY. It was a clear and sunny day, but much too hot--more like summer than fall! Here are a few pictures:
The tree behind my table was great for shade--and for hanging my banner, a good thing because the poster didn't do too well on the table.
Lynn had read The Disappearance last year and loved it so this time she opted for a signed copy of Corsonia. (Notice the poster is now on the ground.)
Fourteen-year-old Julianne also chose a signed copy of Corsonia.
Before taping a reunion episode of "Let's Talk Writing," celebrating Vinny Dacquino's100th show (I was the guest on #42), I reconnected with young adult author Suzanne Weyn. Her latest series is The Haunted Museum.
* * *
On August 22, I signed copies of my novels at a Back to School event at the Jefferson Valley Mall in Yorktown Heights, NY. Here are some pictures:
Notice my spiffy new blue "Thrillers" shirt--and my banner taped to the escalator wall.
This was a YIKES! & TYKES event so I shared a table with Linda Griffin, author of the parenting book, My Child Won't Listen... and the award-winning children's book, Adopting Ginger.
Carla, a middle/high school teacher in the Bronx, chose a signed copy of Corsonia and...
Lily, a 15-year-old high school student, also decided to read Corsonia.
At the end of the event, I was interviewed by a reporter for a local TV station. I hope I sounded okay--because by then I was exhausted!
* * *
On June 13, I participated in Yorktown Community Day, held at the Jefferson Valley Mall in Yorktown Heights, NY. Of course, I took a few photos...
The event was held inside and outside the mall. I always prefer being indoors--without wind, sun, and rain--weather elements that harm my books and poster.
I signed a copy of Peachwood Lake for Kudrat and her daughter, Wiqayat.
Charles chose a signed copy of The Disappearance for his wife, Leslie.
* * *
On June 7, I signed copies of my novels at the Rabbiteers 4-H Club's mother/daughter fundraiser on the Grange Fair grounds in Yorktown Heights, NY. Here come the pictures!
For the first time, I was able to hang my "Thrillers" banner, which I think looks great!
Mackenzie was looking forward to reading my new mind-control thriller, Corsonia.
Edna chose a signed copy of my time-travel thriller, The Disappearance.
Pete wanted an autographed copy of my first novel, DUST, for himself and for Matthew, his 14-year-old son.
Cathy picked up a copy of my newest novel, Corsonia, for Jamie, her 14-year-old niece, who has read--and loved--all my other books!
* * *
On May 9th, I signed copies of my novels at the Spring Craft Fair in Montrose, NY. Check out the photos below:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES event so I shared a table with author Linda Griffin. We were on the front lawn of Hendrick Hudson High School, visable to traffic on busy Route 9A. And, except for some powerful wind gusts--one that toppled the neighboring tent--the weather was quite pleasant.
Jordan chose a signed copy of The Disappearance as a birthday gift for her sister, Mack, who was turning 16 the next day.
Ann wanted a signed copy of Corsonia for her 19-year-old granddaughter.
Lorelle plans to give her copy of Peachwood Lake to someone as a gift.
Alexa is giving a signed copy of The Disappearance to her mom, Karen, for Mother's Day.
* * *
On May 2nd, I participated in "Paint the Mall Purple," at the Jefferson Valley Mall in Yorktown Heights, NY, celebrating Relay for Life's 10th anniversary in the town. Here come the photos:
Vendors were positioned around the center court. Although fellow YIKES! & TYKES author, Linda Griffin, was unable to attend, I displayed her books with my four novels.
Brian, an airline rep who flies all the time, chose a signed copy of The Disappearance for his upcoming flight to Japan.
Christina, who has my other three novels, wanted my newest thriller, Corsonia, for her collection.
Marietta (right), with friend, Angie, picked up a signed copy of DUST for her mom, Lisa, a fellow vendor.
Thirteen-year-old Jami, chose a signed copy of Corsonia.
Cherryl, an eighth grader teacher in The Bronx, plans to share DUST with her students.
* * *
I was interviewed in the April 14th edition of the Northern Westchester Examiner, my local newspaper. Here's the article:
* * *
On April 5, author Anna del C. Dye interviewed me on her blog about my creative writing techniques and my new novel, Corsonia.
* * *
On March 22, I had a fantastic time signing books at Main Street Market at the Westchester County Center in White Plains, NY. Here come the photos:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES event with Linda Griffin, author of the parenting book My Child Won't Listen... and the children's book, Adopting Ginger. It was a spacious venue--and we each had our own large table.
Lenore, a fellow vendor, chose all four of my novels--Corsonia, The Disappearance, Peachwood Lake, and DUST--for her upcoming trip to Amsterdam.
Twelve-year-old Lauren wanted a signed copy of The Disappearance.
Karen, a librarian in the Bronx, chose The Disappearance for herself and DUST for her 19-year-old niece.
Tom, a fan of Stephen King's work, wanted a signed copy of each of my novels--and I was glad to oblige.
* * *
On March 17, I was a guest on Beverley Bateman's blog with a writing tip for aspiring authors and an excerpt from Corsonia.
On February 20, author Linda Griffin and I had a YIKES! & TYKES book signing event at Destination Bistro, a terrific new restaurant in Yorktown Heights, NY. The food was excellent, our displays looked great--everything was outstanding, except for one little detail: No one was interested in our books. Sometimes, it's tough being an author! We'll try again next month.
* * *
On January 31, fantasy author A.F. Stewart interviewed me on her blog. The interview includes a long excerpt of Corsonia.
* * *
I was interviewed about my new novel, Corsonia, and the story appeared in the January 1st edition of the Yorktown (NY) News. Hope you can read the two-piece scanned article!
* * *
On December 6, I signed copies of my books at a Holiday Boutique at the Montrose (NY) Fire House. The weather was rainy, but at least it wasn't snowy--and we were inside. Here are some photos from the event:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES event so I shared a table with Linda Griffin, author of the parenting book My Child Won't Listen... and the children's book, Adopting Ginger. (Notice my new poster, featuring Corsonia!)
Jill Davis, director of the nearby Hendrick Hudson Library, wanted a copy of The Disappearance for the library's collection.
Fifteen-year-old Sara also chose The Disappearance.
Kristy decided to get a signed copy of Peachwood Lake as a gift for her 16-year-old daughter, Alicia...
...and Heather selected DUST, inscribed to her 13-year-old son, Tony.
Lisa, a fellow vendor, also chose DUST, which she had inscribed to her mom, Anne.
* * *
On November 16, I signed copies of my novels at the First Hebrew Congregation's Craft Fair & Holiday Boutique, in Mohegan Lake, NY.Here come the pictures!
I shared a table with Doris Nieves, author of Misconceptions, a sequel to Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.
Twelve-year-old Emily decided to read DUST.
Barbara and daughter, Nicki, chose signed copies of both The Disappearance and Misconceptions.
Danielle wanted Misconceptions--and a copy of Peachwood Lake for her 10-year-old niece, Chungshim.
Becky was excited about reading The Disappearance.
Amy, whose poem is featured in Poetica Magazine, chose signed copies of Peachwood Lake and The Disappearance.
* * *
On November 15, I participated in a Holiday Gifts & Craft Fair at the Cortlandt Town Center in Mohegan Lake, NY. I had a terrific time! Check the photos below:
The Fair was in the entrance lobby of the movie complex. It felt great to be inside--with no rain, no wind, and no cold. My poster didn't fall down once!
Bianca was excited about reading her signed copy of The Disappearance.
Jeanne decided to read all my novels: DUST, Peachwood Lake, and The Disappearance.
Grace wanted The Disappearance inscribed to her niece, Audrey--but she intends to read the time travel novel too.
Since this was also a Wellness Fair, we had zumba dancing in the hallway.
Teresa chose a signed copy of The Disappearance and...
...Brunie wanted to read The Disappearance too, as did several others. It was a banner day for time travel!
* * *
On October 25, I signed copies of my novels at my last outdoor event of the season: the Montrose (NY) Business Association's Autumn Craft Fair. Here come the photos:
Unlike my last outdoor experience, October 25th was a beautiful fall day--sunny, not windy, with temperatures in the mid-60s.
Tommy and I discussed leaping gulf sturgeons, the inspiration for Peachwood Lake, and he told me he'd witnessed sturgeons jumping in the Hudson River. I didn't know that! Naturally, he decided to read Peachwood Lake.
Fourteen-year-old Christina chose a signed copy of The Disappearance.
Tania, an avid reader, looked forward to enjoying DUST.
Brenda--pictured with grandson, Brandon--decided to read a copy of The Disappearance.
* * *
On October 11, I signed books in Saint Luke's Harvest Festival in Somers, NY, which usually includes more than 70 vendors. However, because it rained all morning and was uncomfortably cold, fewer people participated and attended. And everybody froze. The event started at 9 am, but I arrived at 1 pm, after the rain. Here are some pictures:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES event so I shared a table with Linda Griffin, author of the parenting book My Child Won't Listen... and the children's book, Adopting Ginger. We were in the gazebo to protect our books from rain, but it was still cold.
Marion got a signed copy of Peachwood Lake for Kristen, her 15-year-old granddaughter.
Melissa wanted an autographed copy of DUST.
* * *
On September 20, I signed copies of my novels at the Fieldhome Fall Festival, in Cortlandt Manor, NY, a fun-filled event for adults and kids. Here come the photos:
It was a lovely sunny day, but quite windy. Note the tape attached to my poster. It didn't help.
This was a YIKES! & TYKES event so I shared space with Linda Griffin, author of the parenting book My Child Won't Listen... and the children's book, Adopting Ginger.
Lynn, a former co-worker, wanted a signed copy of The Disappearance.
Jo-Ann chose an autographed copy of DUST.
Margaret loves time travel so she decided to read The Disappearance.
Karen also chose The Disappearance, and her grandson, Jack, seems to be showing an early interest in books.
* * *
On August 16, I signed copies of my novels in front of JV Hot Bagels in Jefferson Valley, NY. As always, the lines were long, the bagels were delicious, and, for a real online shopping experience, I gave bookmarks to customers on line! Here are some photos:
The weather was perfect: about 70 degrees, sunny, with little wind. My sign stayed upright until the last hour.
Sixteen-year-old Olivia, who likes to write, wanted a signed copy of Peachwood Lake.
Nancy intends to read The Disappearance on her upcoming vacation.
Vildan skimmed through a copy of DUST while waiting on line--and decided she wanted a signed copy of the book.
Al chose a copy of The Disappearance for his wife, Cathy, and...
John picked up an autographed copy of The Disappearance for himself.
* * *
On June 22, I was the guest speaker at a cozy Hadassah event in Jefferson Village in Yorktown Heights, NY. Here come the photos:
Lucille (standing) graciously hosted the event in her condo.
I spoke about how I got the ideas for DUST, Peachwood Lake, and The Disappearance and...
...I discussed the creative writing process and answered questions.
After my talk, Barbara bought a signed copy of DUST and Peachwood Lake.
* * *
On June 7, I participated in Yorktown Community Day, in Yorktown Heights, NY It was a gorgeous day: sunny with very little wind. A couple of photos follow below:
Most vendors had tents to protect them from the 80+ degrees hot sun. I didn't, but I love the warm weather.
Vilma, an avid reader, purchased a copy of The Disappearance.
* * *
On May 31, I participated in a Giant Tag Sale in the St. Columbanus Church parking lot in Cortlandt Manor, NY. It was a different type of outdoor event, with vendors setting up tables behind their cars--and the weather was warm and sunny until about 2 pm when the rain came. Here are a few photos:
Here's a view of the cars and tables. I again shared a table with Linda Griffin, author of the children's book, Adopting Ginger, and the parenting book, My Child Won't Listen...
I signed a copy of The Disappearance for Suzanne's mom, Maxine. Suzanne, pictured with Katie, is also an author who's written books about Shirley Temple and dolls. (Notice my poster displayed in the trunk of the car.)
* * *
On May 10, I participated in the 1st annual Montrose Business Association Craft Fair in Montrose, NY. Luckily, the weather held up; the predicted rain never materialized. Here are a couple of pictures:
The Fair was set in a grassy area in the business district. Unfortunately, this was the first time for this event and there wasn't much traffic.
Elmer purchased signed copies of all three of my novels--DUST, Peachwood Lake, and The Disappearance--for his ex-wife. Now that's a nice guy!
* * *
On May 4, I signed copies of my books at the Art Supports Art benefit for the Croton Cortlandt Center for the Arts, which burned to the ground in January. The event was held in the Morabito Community Center in Cortlandt Manor, NY. Here come the photos:
I again shared a table with Linda Griffin, author of the children's book, Adopting Ginger and the parenting book, My Child Won't Listen...
Alvis purchased signed copies of Peachwood Lake and The Disappearance.
Twelve-year-old Julie decided to read Peachwood Lake, which centers around a 13-year-old girl.
Laura purchased a signed copy of The Disappearance for her niece Jillian--the same first name as the novel's heroine!
Celina also opted for a signed copy of The Disappearance.
Mary decided to purchase a copy of DUST for her 15-year-old son.
* * *
On April 25, I signed copies of my three novels at Steampunk Coffeehouse in Mohegan Lake, NY. It's a delightful little eatery--and I had an awesome time! Here come the photos:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES event, so I shared space with Linda Griffin, author of the new children's book, Adopting Ginger, and the parenting book, My Child Won't Listen...and other early childhood problems.
We used a table in front of the fireplace for our books and posters. It was a very cozy setting!
Dawn and Tim Fitzpatrick drove all the way from Syracuse to see me--that's more than four hours! Dawn calls me her favorite author; I am so flattered! Although she's read all my books on Nook, Dawn purchased a paperback copy of The Disappearance.
Like me, Susan is a huge Dean Koontz fan. She bought a signed copy of Peachwood Lake for herself and a copy of DUST for her 16-year-old son, Nick.
Thanks to Lenny & Lonna DiFroscia, owners of Steampunk Coffeehouse, for a most enjoyable afternoon. (The smoothie was delicious too!)
* * *
I recently made my second appearance on George Ondek's TV program. (George invited me again because his wife loved DUST and The Disappearance.) The show will air on Cablevision in Yorktown (Channel 74) on Thursday, May 29 at 8:30 pm - 9:00 pm. The interview was broadcast on Channel 15 in Peekskill in April.
* * *
I'm on TV again! I'm a guest on "A Modern History of Yorktown," hosted by Ray Arnold. We discuss my years at the PennySaver and North County News, but, at the end, I sneak in a few words about my books. (See table below.) The show airs on Channel 74, Cablevision, in Yorktown (NY),Thursday nights at 9:00.
* * *
On December 9, I gave a lecture on the creative writing process to members of the Westchester Reading Council at the Rye Library in Rye, NY. As usual, I had an awesome time talking about my favorite subject--writing-- and I hope the audience did too. Some pictures follow below:
The Westchester Reading Council graciously allowed me to display my poster and novels during the talk.
I spoke about how I got the ideas for my novels as well as my writing philosophies and methods.
I passed around copies of news articles about recent dust devil happenings. (See Real "Dust" Events)
Council President, Clara Kaplan, who had invited me to speak, gave me an engraved mug.
After the talk, Betty purchased a signed copy of The Disappearance and...
Marcy got an autographed copy of DUST for LeLeah, a 11-year-old relative.
* * *
On November 24, I signed copies of my novels at First Hebrew Congregation's Craft Fair and Holiday Boutique in Peekskill, NY. Here come the photos:
This was another YIKES! & TYKES event so I shared a table with Linda Griffin, author of the parenting book, My Child Won't Listen... and the new children's book, Adopting Ginger.
Jeremy, who collects signed books, purchased an autographed copy of The Disappearance. He's hoping I'll become famous. (Me too!)
Karen bought signed copies of DUST and The Disappearance for herself and her dad.
* * *
On October 19, I signed copies of my books at the Harvest Festival at St. Luke's Church in Somers, NY. It was a lovely autumn day--a bit cool, but rain-free and mostly wind-free. Here are some photos:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES event so I shared space with Linda Griffin, author of the parenting book, My Child Won't Listen... and the new children's book,Adopting Ginger.
This woman purchased a copy of DUST for Kevin, her 14-year-old grandson.
Barbara bought copies of all three of my novels--The Disappearance, Peachwood Lake, and DUST.
Betty decided she wanted to read DUST.
June, a fellow vendor at the event, purchased Peachwood Lake for a friend and The Disappearance for herself.
Barbara chose a signed copy of DUST.
* * *
On September 22, I attended the Brooklyn (NY) Book Festival for a couple of hours, handing out bookmarks and signing copies of my novels. Here are a few photos:
Although I didn't have the poster of my three novels, I did wear my poster tee-shirt as I chatted with book lovers at the Demarche Publishing booth. The Disappearance, Peachwood Lake, and DUST were prominently displayed.
Penina purchased a copy of Peachwood Lake and...
...fellow New York Jets' fan, Nurian, also decided to read Peachwood Lake.
* * *
On September 21, I signed copies of my books at Fieldhome's Fall Festival in Cortland Manor, (NY). It was a lovely event with tables lined up around an oval walkway. Although it kept threatening to rain, it never did. I would love to post some photos, but, unfortunately, they are lost somewhere inside the computer.
* * *
On September 12, I was interviewed on Karen Pokras Toz's blog. Check it out!
* * *
On July 28, I participated in the Town of Cortlandt's 225th Anniversary Celebration on George's Island in Montrose, NY. The event was supposed to be from 3 - 8 pm, followed by fireworks, but it started pouring before 6 o'clock. Here are some pre-rain photos:
Since this was a YIKES! & TYKES event, I shared a table with Linda Griffin, author of the parenting book, My Child Won't Listen... and the new children's book, Adopting Ginger.
It was a gorgeous park setting. Note the Hudson River in the background. Unfortunately, it was very windy, which is why none of my books are displayed vertically and my poster is balanced on the ground. But check out my tee shirt, a terrific birthday gift from my daughter.
Women marched with flags as part of the opening ceremony of Cortlandt's 225th anniversary celebration. Behind them are the drums and bugles.
It was a book signing event--and I autographed a copy of The Disappearance for Rebecca.
* * *
On July 11, I had a book signing at Kirby's Grill and Bar in Yorktown Heights, NY. The burgers were excellent--and I met some terrific people. Here come the pictures:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES event so I shared space with Linda Griffin (right), author of the parenting book, My Child Won't Listen...and other early childhood problems and the new children's book, Adopting Ginger, which Iliana Weinbaum (center) illustrated.
Here's my table. We were in the restaurant's back room.
Gaby purchased a signed copy of The Disappearance...
...and so did Amy.
Fourteen-year-old Iliana decided to read The Disappearance and Peachwood Lake.
* * *
On June 19, I was interviewed about my novels on George Ondek's cable TV show, "Get On Deck." The program aired in late June and early July on Cablevision in Yorktown (Channel 74) and in Peekskill (Channel 15). You can see it here.
I was only the second author George has interviewed on his TV show. Since he's done more than 600 shows, that's quite an honor!
George was very easy to talk to. I really enjoyed being on the show--and I hope everyone enjoys watching it.
* * *
On June 15, I signed copies of my novels at a "Bagels & Books" event at JV Hot Bagels in Jefferson Valley, NY. As always, the bagels were delicious and the line often extended out the door. I handed out bookmarks while the customers waited--giving new meaning to the concept of advertising on-line!
This photo may be dark, but it was a beautiful sunny spring day with the temperature in the low 70s.
Bob was my first customer. He bought a signed copy of The Disappearance for his mom.
Thirteen-year-old Danielle decided she wanted to read DUST.
Shannon plans to read The Disappearance when she vacations at the Jersey shore.
Kevin purchased two of my novels: The Disappearance and DUST.
Ray and his wife plan to read The Disappearance.
* * *
On June 1, I participated in Yorktown (NY) Community Day. Proceeds from vendor fees benefitted two local youth organizations: ASK and DARE. It was a beautiful sunny day--but very hot, with the temperature reaching 90. As always, I had a great time discussing my novel with visitors. Here come the pictures:
I am holding my poster because the wind kept knocking it over. The bungee cord idea didn't work. (See my May 31 Blog for more info on this issue.)
Carol purchased a signed copy of The Disappearance...
Mike chose Peachwood Lake...
I signed a copy of The Disappearance for Julie and...
Rob bought The Disappearance and his 11-year-old twins Chase and Jake chose Peachwood Lake and DUST.
George Ondek, a local TV host, invited me to be a guest on his cable TV show. What do you think I said? "Yes," of course!
* * *
On May 17, I signed copies of my novels at Barnes & Noble's Small Press Expo in Mohegan Lake, NY with six local authors. Here are two pictures:
We had a super location near the entrance. Unfortunately, the store wasn't very busy Friday night.
This couple bought two of my novels-- Larry chose DUST and Nancy wanted to read The Disappearance.
* * *
On May 11, I signed copies of my novels at Bethel's Mother's Day Marketplace in Croton-on-Hudson, NY. A few photos follow:
I shared a table with Linda Griffin, author of the parenting book, My Child Won't Listen... and other early childhood problems and the new children's book, Adopting Ginger. We call our events YIKES! & TYKES.
Michael's aunt thought her 16-year-old nephew would enjoy reading the time travel thriller, The Disappearance.
Marge also chose a signed copy of The Disappearance.
* * *
On May 13, from 7:30 - 8 pm, I was the featured guest on "Let's Talk Writing," a TV show that aired on (Comcast) Channel 8 in Putnam County, NY. The show was taped on May 1. Here are a few photos:
"Let's Talk Writing" is hosted by author Vinny Dacquino, who heads a local writers' group. Behind me, a member of the production crew positions The Disappearance so the cover doesn't create a glare on camera.
Three robotic-looking cameras are used to film the show. I tried to focus on Vinny--not the cameras.
During the telecast, I discussed my three novels: DUST, Peachwood Lake, and The Disappearance. (I'm not looking at a camera; this photo was taken before the show was filmed.)
* * *
This photo appeared in black & white on p.7 of the March 19th edition of the Northern Westchester Examiner. It was taken at the Tea Temptations book signing (see pictures below). With me are fellow author, Linda Griffin, and Tea Temptations owner, Mike Adamovich.
* * *
On March 2, I participated in a book signing at Tea Temptations in Mohegan Lake (NY). I had a wonderful time--sold a lot of novels and the food was delicious! Here come the photos:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES event so I shared a table with Linda Griffin, author of the parenting book, My Child Won't Listen...and other early childhood problems and the new children's book, Adopting Ginger.
Tea Temptations owner Mike Adamovich got a signed copy of The Disappearance for his daughter.
Dotty purchased three copies each of DUST, Peachwood Lake, and The Disappearance for family and friends.
Twelve-year-old Annabelle decided to read Peachwood Lake, which features a 13-year-old heroine.
Smile! Stan Gitner took a photo of Linda, me, and our table for the local newspaper, The Examiner.
Suesan, an avid reader, told me she always checks the first two paragraphs of a novel to see it grabs her attention. Then she bought all three of my books!
Fifteen-year-old Seattle chose signed copies of Peachwood Lake and The Disappearance.
Shelley, a Tea Temptations' waitress, loves time travel so she purchased The Disappearance.
* * *
In December, I was on a virtual book tour for The Disappearance. You can still check my tour "stops":
Monday, December 3 - Interviewed at Literal Exposure
Tuesday, December 4 - Interviewed at Pump Up Your Book Wednesday, December 5 - Interviewed at Reader Girls
Thursday, December 6 - Interviewed at Digital Journal
Thursday, December 6 - Guest blogging at Allvoices
Friday, December 7 - Book reviewed at Book Lover Stop
Friday, December 7 - Guest blogging at Shine
Monday, December 10 - Book reviewed at Miki's Hope
Tuesday, December 11 - Guest blogging at Miki's Hope
Wednesday, December 12 - Book reviewed at Read It All Book Reviews
Thursday, December 13 - Interviewed at Read It All Book Reviews
Friday, December 14 - Guest blogging at The Writer's Life
Friday, December 14 - Book reviewed at Mary's Cup of Tea
Friday, December 14 - Interviewed at Review From Here
Monday, December 17 - Guest blogging at Parenting from a Child's Point of View
* * *
On December 13, I joined five area writers for a "Meet the Authors Night" at the John C. Hart Memorial Library in Shrub Oak, NY. It's always fun to talk about my books! Here are a few photos:
We each had a large table to showcase our books.
Then each author gave a short talk about his or her books. I went first and spoke about how I got the ideas for DUST, Peachwood Lake, and The Disappearance...
...and we signed copies of our books. Patricia purchased a copy of The Disappearance.
* * *
On December 7, I gave a talk and signed books at Drum Hill Senior Living Community in Peekskill, N.Y. Here come the pictures:
Joanne Powers, recreation director of Drum Hill, arranged the event.
I spoke about how I got the ideas for each of my novels: DUST, Peachwood Lake, and The Disappearance.
Diane, the receptionist--and a time travel fan--purchased a copy of The Disappearance.
Maureen, a star pupil in my creative writing course, bought DUST...
...and Margaret and Bob, two more of my prize students, chose The Disappearance.
Olivia purchased my fish story, Peachwood Lake.
* * *
The interview below appeared in the December 4 edition of The Northern Westchester Examiner:
* * *
On December 2, I had a book signing event at Bethel Springvale Inn's Holiday Fair in Croton-on-Hudson, NY. Here are some photos:
I shared a table with Linda Griffin, author of the parenting book My Child Won't Listen...and other early childhood problems. We call our joint signing events, YIKES! & TYKES.
I signed a copy of The Disappearance for this woman's daughter, Nicole,...
...and I signed a copy of The Disappearance for Judy.
Marsha, housing coordinator for Bethel's The Pines facility, bought a copy of DUST.
Amanda, a young published poet--and a fan of time travel thrillers--purchased The Disappearance.
* * *
Here's the recording of my "live" interview on Hudson Valley Talk Radio on October 26:
* * *
An interview about me and The Disappearance ran in the October 25th issue of Yorktown News. Here's the reduced version:
* * *
On October 20--a gorgeous fall day--I signed copies of my novels at Saint Luke's Church's Harvest Festival in Somers, NY. Here come the pictures:
I shared a space with Linda Griffin, author of the parenting book, My Child Won't Listen...and other early childhood problems. We call our joint signing events, YIKES! & TYKES.
Dorothy purchased a copy of my new time travel thriller, The Disappearance...
...and Diane bought a signed copy of Peachwood Lake for her friend who lives on Peach Lake.
But Olive the parrot thought my books were for the birds.
* * *
An article about me and my novels ran in the October 17 edition of the Yorktown Daily Voice.
* * *
On September 23, I attended the Brooklyn (NY) Book Festival, signing copies of DUST and Peachwood Lake in the DeMarche Publishing booth. The location was wonderful--right at the entrance! Here are some photos:
For a change, it was a beautiful day for a book fair--sunny, warm, with no wind.
This school librarian purchased Peachwood Lake for her students.
Barbara wanted a signed copy of DUST.
I explained what my novels were about to many book lovers, including this young woman.
Chris Angel purchased a copy of DUST.
Aloma returned to the booth to get a signed copy of Peachwood Lake.
This teacher purchased DUST for her eighth grade class.
* * *
On September 22, I participated in Fieldhome's Fall Festival in Cortlandt (NY), signing copies of DUST and Peachwood Lake. Here come the photos:
It was a mostly cloudy--and windy--day. Notice I'm holding both of my book posters.
Marilyn, a former PennySaver co-worker, purchased a copy of Peachwood Lake, but it seems little Miller is anxious to read the novel.
Jessie, an avid reader, bought both DUST and Peachwood Lake.
Even Dora is a Peachwood Lake fan!
Connor, 13, and Amber, 10, both decided they wanted to read DUST.
Don, a supernatural fiction fan, purchased Peachwood Lake. His wife, Kathy, is the director of Support Connection, a wonderful Yorktown Charity that raises money to battle breast and ovarian cancer. (Her shirt promotes the organization's walk on October 7th.)
* * *
On September 8, I had a YIKES & TYKES book signing event (Grandparent's Day Marketplace) at Bethel - The Pines, a seniors' facility in Ossining, NY with Linda Griffin, author of the parenting book, My Child Won't Listen...and other early childhood problems. It was a rain or shine event. Unfortunately, there was much more rain than shine--but the event remained outdoors.
And here's a weird occurrence: We had to move inside when the Weather Service issued a tornado warning for Ossining. Think it's because of the mini whirlwind in DUST? Certainly an interesting day. Here are a couple of photos:
After first setting up our table near the road, Linda and I relocated under a covered porch, which protected our books from the intermittent rains. But then came the tornado warning sirens...
...and, when we moved inside, Dorothy purchased a signed copy of DUST. How appropriate! Dorothy is now my oldest reader: She's 100 years young!
* * *
On Wednesday, September 5, I began teaching a 5-session creative writing course to residents of Drum Hill, a facility for seniors in Peekskill, NY. What a pleasure--no discipline problems with these students! Here are some pictures:
Nearly 20 men and women attended the first class--and many were terrific, talented, and experienced writers.
I elicited a list of places that the students were interested in describing...
...and each person wrote a description about one of the settings. Some volunteered to read their work aloud.
Joanne Powers, recreation director for Drum Hill, invited me to teach the creative writing course. Thanks, Joanne!
* * *
On August 1, I gave a talk about my writing at The Seabury, a residence for seniors in the Fieldhome complex in Cortlandt Manor, NY. I had a great time, and hopefully, the people who attended did too. Here come the pictures:
I used a mike to make it easier for the residents to hear me. I talked about how I got the ideas for DUST and Peachwood Lake and discussed the creative writing process.
As you can see, I spoke in the dining room. They served an assortment of pastries, including custard-filled chocolate donuts--my favorite!
After my talk, Millie bought signed copies of DUST and Peachwood Lake and...
...I signed a copy of Peachwood Lake for Evelyn and...
...Erika, who works with The Seabury residents, purchased a signed copy of DUST.
* * *
There's a great interview about me and my novels in the new Yorktown/Cortlandt edition of Images & Impressions magazine. (Sorry it's not clearer!)
On June 16, I brought my books to JV Hot Bagels in Jefferson Valley, NY. The weather was perfect, the bagels were delicious--and, of course, I signed copies of DUST and Peachwood Lake!
I handed out bookmarks to customers to read while they waited to buy food--giving new meaning to the concept of advertising on-line!
Christopher is an avid reader--and his mom thought he would enjoy DUST.
This father and son bought signed copies of Peachwood Lake and DUST...
...and this dad is encouraging his 14-year-old son to read so he purchased a copy of DUST.
Newspaper publisher, Sandra, bought Peachwood Lake and DUST to read on her trip to South Carolina.
Awilda, a lover of sci-fi and fantasy, was thrilled to find novels in her favorite genre.
* * *
On May 30, I was a guest speaker at the Yorktown Rotary Club's weekly luncheon meeting at Kirby's Grill and Bar in Yorktown Heights, NY. As always, it was wonderful to talk about my novels--and the Rotary members asked insightful questions. Here come the pictures:
The Rotary Club banners adorned the wall of the restaurant.
I spoke about how I got the ideas for both DUST and Peachwood Lake.
I gave bookmarks to Rotary Club members (even the Kindle readers) and...
...I signed copies of DUST and Peachwood Lake for Glyn.
* * *
On May 12, I participated in Yorktown (NY) Community Day in FDR State Park. Proceeds of the event benefited the local chapters of Alliance for Safe Kids (ASK) and D.A.R.E. It was a gorgeous day--perfect for photo-taking, so here they are:
With my books, posters, bookmarks and flyers, I was ready to greet visitors.
Dario Gristina, a candidate in the upcoming New York State Assembly primary, was my first customer. Since he loves supernatural thrillers, Dario purchased both novels.
Even Elmo loves DUST and Peachwood Lake!
Lonna treated herself to a copy of DUST for Mother's Day.
Alexandra had seen DUST in last week's middle-school book fair, but had run out of money--so Mom bought the book for her at Community Day.
Barbara described herself as an avid reader and book "collector." I signed copies of DUST and Peachwood Lake for her.
Emily's mom thought both she and her 13-year-old daughter would enjoy Peachwood Lake's coming-of-age/horror story.
* * *
On May 5, I did a book signing with fellow author, Linda Griffin, at a terrific new Baldwin Place (NY) restaurant, the Greek American Grill. Here come the pictures:
When we arrived for our book signing, the restaurant had already set up a double table, attractive tablecloth, and chairs for us. All we had to add were our papers, posters, and books.
Linda Griffin is the author of the parenting book, My Child Won't Listen...and other early childhood problems. We call our signing events, YIKES! & TYKES.
I signed a copy of Peachwood Lake for Marsha, who had already read the thriller and loved it.
Sonya purchased a copy of Peachwood Lake because she's Hispanic--and so is the novel's main character, Kady Gonzalez.
* * *
On April 14, I gave a talk about DUST and Peachwood Lake at the Hart Library in Shrub Oak, NY. I discussed how I got the idea for each book, the writing process, plus my publishing experiences. I had a great time--and hope the audience did too. Here are the photos:
I had my books and notes at the lectern.
The audience included readers of all ages.
I spoke for about thirty minutes and then answered lots of questions about writing fiction and publishing books. Several people took notes--potential novelists, maybe?
When the talk was over, this man told me he had always wanted to write a book, but never had the time while he was working. Now that he had retired, he hoped to find the time to write.
Celina purchased a signed copy of Peachwood Lake for herself and her family.
* * *
Here's the link to the article about my writing that ran in the Express edition of Gannett's Journal News on April 12: I've also posted a somewhat blurry copy below:
* * *
On April 11, I was the guest speaker at the Ossining Rotary Club's weekly meeting at the Tuscan Grille in Briarcliff Manor, NY. I had a wonderful time talking about my books--and lunch was delicious! Here come the pictures:
After the officers discussed upcoming fundraisers for area charities (this organization does many good deeds!) and we ate lunch, I spoke to the Rotary members...
...about how I got the ideas for both DUST and Peachwood Lake.
Rotary Club President, Judy Herguth, presented me with a "Thank You" plaque for speaking to the group.
Several Rotary members purchased signed books. Linda bought a copy of DUST...
...Bob bought Peachwood Lake and DUST, both for his wife...
...and Judy, the president--a Dean Koontz fan--also bought signed copies of both novels.
* * *
On April 9, I participated in a second "Meet the Authors" night, this time in the Somers (NY) Library with eleven other writers--published and unpublished. Again, it was interesting to hear other authors speak and to mingle with members of the audience. Some photos follow below:
The audience listened to each author's five-minute talk about his or her work.
I spoke about how DUST and Peachwood Lake were both inspired by newspaper articles.
This woman wanted some advice with the memoir she was writing. I suggested she read my weekly blogs and attend my talk Saturday, April 14 in the Hart Library where I'll be discussing the writing process.
The visiting authors weren't allowed to sell books inside the library so we moved outside. Julia purchased signed copies of both DUST and Peachwood Lake for herself and her mother.
* * *
On March 15, I participated in a "Meet the Authors" night at the Mahopac (NY) Library, joining about thirty fellow authors. I found the experience entertaining and enlightening--so many perse books! Here come the photos:
With so many participants, table space was tight so I caddy-cornered my display of books, flyers, and bookmarks next to fellow YIKES! & TYKES author, Linda Griffin.
Guests roamed around the room talking to the authors and picking up information about all the books.
Each author gave a three-minute talk about his or her book(s).
When it was my turn, I spoke about how I got the ideas for DUST and Peachwood Lake from newspaper articles--and that both novels were based on reality.
After my talk, in which I explained that DUST was inspired by miniature whirlwinds called dust devils, this man told me he had actually been been enveloped in a dust devil. In this photo, I seem to be doing my own dust devil impression.
And, of course, I signed books. Rob bought Peachwood Lake for his mother, who had read DUST and loved it.
* * *
On February 28, I signed copies of my novels for members of the Premier Athletic Club in Montrose, NY. Here are some photos:
This was a YIKES! & TYKES event with Linda Griffin, author of the parenting book My Child Won't Listen...and other childhood problems. Our table was in the club's lobby. (Notice the tennis courts in the windows behind us.)
The Club's owner, Mr. Santucci, stopped at our table and purchased our books.
This man bought a signed copy of Peachwood Lake for his teenage granddaughter.
Ted wanted Peachwood Lake for himself and for his teenage son.
Mike also wanted a signed copy of Peachwood Lake.
* * *
* * *
On December 17, I signed copies of DUST, and my new thriller, Peachwood Lake, in the Village Deli & Cafe in Ossining with Linda Griffin, author of the parenting book, My Child Won't Listen...and other early childhood problems. I had a great time signing books--and the food was delicious! Here come the photos:
Linda and I call our two-person events Yikes! & Tykes.
Anna bought a copy of DUST for herself and her two children.
This man, a local photographer, bought a signed copy of Peachwood Lake.
Thirteen-year-old Wendy wanted a signed copy of DUST. (She also wanted to read Peachwood Lake, but it has an R-rated scene).
I autographed a copy of DUST for Irene, owner of Village Deli and Cafe--a wonderful place for breakfast or lunch!
* * *
I was interviewed on "Good Morning, Hudson Valley" radio on December 13 mostly about my new novel, Peachwood Lake.The interview was broadcast in two parts (on air and online) at 1420 WLNA/1260 WBNR (AM). If you missed the broadcast, you can listen to it here:
* * *
On November 9, I participated in Barnes & Noble's Small Press Expo in Mohegan Lake, NY. It was great seeing other local authors again. Unfortunately, we didn't see many customers during the mid-week off hours (5 pm - 7 pm).
Notice that I'm listed first. (it's good to be a "B"!)
* * *
On October 22, I was at JV Hot Bagels in Jefferson Valley, NY, signing copies of DUST. It was a fun experience, sitting outside the busy store on a sunny--but cool--Saturday morning. And my bagel was delicious! Here come the photos:
This is my little table display--complete with my poster and colorful "DUST-er."
This woman bought DUST for her older daughter, a teenager.
Notice the huge line all the way out the door as I signed this woman's book. The food in JV Hot Bagels is really excellent!
This teen boy will be reading DUST...
...and so will this teen. (I'm now wearing my JETS' sweatshirt with a muff because my fingers were so cold, I was having trouble signing books!)
This couple's daughter saw DUST in the middle school book fair last week (see photo below), but thought it would be too scary for her. However, her dad loves supernatural thrillers so he came to see me and buy the book.
* * *
DUST--a great read for teens--has again been included in Lakeland-Copper Beach Middle School's Book Fair (Shrub Oak, NY), running from October 17-21.
Here's the DUST display at the school library on Parent Preview Night, October 17.
* * *
On September 18, I participated in the Brooklyn Book Festival in downtown Brooklyn (NY), signing copies of DUST. I had a great time introducing the book to new readers and meeting other authors. One question though: Why is it always so windy at my outdoor events? Could my evil dust be responsible? Here come the photos:
I shared a table with Doris Nieves, author of the novel Misconceptions: Pride and Prejudice: A Conclusion.
It was great to meet Facebook friend and fellow writer, Beth Glesh, in person and sign a copy of DUST for her.
This was the view of the Book Festival from our table. We were in front of the Supreme Court building and next to the subway.
Harold told me, if he enjoyed DUST, he would definitely read all my other books.
Cesar is 9-years-old, a little young to read DUST by himself, but he wanted a copy of the book so much that his mom promised to read it to him.
I signed a copy of DUST for Gina, another fellow writer.
Nicolle purchased DUST because she needed a supernatural novel for her extensive book collection.
New! Look for signed copies of DUST at Demarche Publishing's table in upcoming book fairs across the United States!
* * *
On July 28th, I was interviewed by Janice Lee for her radio program, "Featuring the Arts." The interview aired on WSKV 104.9 FM at 5:30 pm EST and streamed on the Internet. If you missed the broadcast, you can still listen to it here. (Go to "2011 Archives" and scroll to #17 - "7-28-2011 - Susan Berliner"):
* * *
I participated in a Small Press Expo at Barnes & Noble in Mohegan Lake (NY) on June 17with six area authors. It was fun meeting enthusiastic readers, telling them about DUST, and signing copies of the book. A few pictures follow:
The sign outside the store announced the event.
All the local authors shared a line of tables near the front of the store.
Here's a view of our book displays on the tables.
This teacher was interested in using DUST with her junior high school class.
I signed a copy of DUST for this woman's friend.
* * *
On June 11, I had a table showcasing DUST at the Ossining (NY) Village Fair. Although it was overcast and cold (like autumn!) the entire day, it wasn't a total washout. Here are some photos:
As usual, my table is filled with DUST information. But notice that everything is under plastic because of the pesky rain and drizzle.
I signed a copy of DUST for this woman's teenage son. (Of course, this was when it rained the hardest!)
Here's a view of some of the other tables along Main Street in Ossining.
Doris Nieves, author of Misconceptions: Pride and Prejudice: A Conclusion, shared the table with me at the Fair.
* * *
On May 22, I was a guest speaker at the Jewish War Veterans (Post 46) breakfast meeting at the Somers (NY) Library with fellow YIKES! & TYKES author, Linda Griffin. After a delicious breakfast of bagels and lox (what else?), we each gave a brief presentation about our respective books. A few photos follow:
Our books, and information about them, were neatly displayed on a nearby side table.
After our bagels and lox breakfast, Commander Lawrence Kaufman began the meeting.
I spoke first, explaining what DUST is about.
I also talked about dust devils and passed around copies of newspaper articles about these mini-tornados that are the basis for DUST.
Linda Griffin then spoke to the group about her excellent parenting book, My Child Won't Listen...and other early childhood problems.
* * *
On May 14, I participated in Yorktown Community Day, a town-sponsored charitable event benefiting drug prevention programs for Yorktown (NY) youth--Alliance for Safe Kids and the D.A.R.E. program. Although it was cold (more like mid-March than mid-May!), I had fun meeting people and signing copies of DUST. Here are some photos:
My DUST table is ready for visitors.
Here's a view of some nearby tables.
I signed a copy of DUST for this woman's daughter.
This teen was excited about reading DUST and...
...his father was pleased. (It's great when a teen boy wants to read a book!)
* * *
On March 7, I was featured on Brittney Breakey's "Be Inspired" blog, answering questions about DUST and my writing habits. Check it out!
* * *
On February 4, I was interviewed about DUST and fiction writing on "My Home Away From Home" on Facebook:
They also ran a week-long DUST trivia contest for a signed copy of the book.
* * *
On December 15, I had a YIKES! & TYKES book signing event with fellow author, Linda Griffin, at the Cidade Cafe in Ossining, NY. We had a wonderful time meeting people, autographing books, and eating the delicious wraps and pastries, all baked on the premises. Now for the photos:
Three tables lined up along one side of this cozy cafe showcased DUST and Linda Griffin's book, My Child Won't Listen...and other early childhood problems.
Pedro, owner of the Cidade Cafe, made us feel comfortable and welcome. And the delicious pastry-based Portuguese food made us feel wonderful!
I signed a copy of DUST for this woman's mother, who was in the hospital. Hopefully, it will help her forget her medical problems.
Charlie Cody, a fellow writer and poet, also decided to purchase DUST.
Lawrence Kaufman, Commander of Jewish War Veterans' Post 46 in Somers, NY, and Seymour Goldberg, Quartermaster (partially hidden), invited Linda and me to speak to the members of their worthy organization next May. We both readily agreed!
* * *
On December 10, I visited the Freight House Cafe in Mahopac, NY to autograph copies of DUST. I had a terrific time and met some delightful people who came to enjoy the fine food in this cozy 19th century railroad building. Here come the photos:
I sat in this comfy little couch with my copies of DUST--and my colorful duster.
Owner Donna Massaro has helped to promote DUST by displaying the novel and bookmarks. I appreciate it!
Here's a view of this 19th century railroad building. Notice the planked wood walls and floors, plus the eclectic furnishings and whimsical accessories. (And the food is excellent!)
This customer was fascinated by the dust devil experience that inspired my novel. (See Real "Dust" Events)
I signed a copy of DUST for this woman's daughter. It'll make a great Christmas gift!
* * *
This article from the November 30 edition of the Putnam Examiner mentions two of my December book signing events.
* * *
On December 4, I signed copies of DUST at the BeanRunner Cafe in Peekskill, NY with Linda Griffin, author of My Child Won't Listen...and other early childhood problems. We call our two-person events YIKES! & TYKES. Here are some photos:
We shared a table to showcase our books.
Diners were able to watch and listen to us while they ate.
This man was interested in DUST...
...and so was this woman.
This man purchased a copy of DUST.
* * *
Copies of DUST and My Child Won't Listen...and other early childhood problems are now available for sale at Arcadian Cards & Gifts, 230 South Highland Avenue in Ossining, NY. Stop in and pick up a signed book!
Here we are on the counter of Arcadian Cards & Gifts!
* * *
DUST is appropriate and fun for women, men--and teens. The novel was included in Lakeland-Copper Beach Middle School's Book Fair (Shrub Oak, NY), which ran from October 18-22. Here's a photo of me at the library, after delivering the books to the library for the Fair.
Notice the empty display cases. Parents were waiting for a class to end before setting up the books.
* * *
I was at Kathleen's Tea Room in Peekskill, NY on October 21 for a Literary Tea, Talk & Book Signing with Linda Griffin, author of My Child Won't Listen...and other early childhood problems. We each gave a brief talk about our very different books and then signed copies. And, as always, the food was wonderful! Here come the photos:
Our posters publicizing the event are still taped on the front window.
I spoke first, mostly about the weird weather phenomenon that inspired my novel: a dust devil.
Linda Griffin talked about her parenting book and read a few humorous examples from the chapter entitled, "The Difficult Parent."
Here I am with Kathleen Chilcott, owner of Kathleen's Tea Room, signing a copy of DUST for her 91-year-old mother.
This woman purchased the novel as a Christmas gift--a great idea!
* * *
The Yorktown Examiner printed the following article about the Kathleen's Tea Room event:
For a clearer version of the above article, here's a link to the Yorktown Examiner's archives. (Please scroll to p. 15):
* * *
On October 9, I joined other local authors at a book signing event at Barnes & Noble in Mohegan Lake, NY. It's always fun to introduce new readers to DUST! Here are some photos:
Notice my name is listed first. (It's good to be a "B"!)
As usual, my DUST sign and duster are on display.
My first customer: a teen reader--and writer!
Another young fan of the supernatural purchases a copy of DUST.
Here's another new DUST reader...
...And another!
It's always a pleasure to sign a copy of DUST for a fellow Mets' fan!
* * *
In keeping with the "Locally Grown" theme, I had a mini book signing at the Yorktown Grange Fair in Yorktown, NY (my hometown) on September 11. It was a very moving experience. Check the photos below and you'll understand.
Here's where I began, in the Exhibitor Tent,at a table adjacent to Barnes & Noble, which handled my little event. Unfortunately, no one paid any attention to DUST. Fair goers were more interested in the cooking demonstration that began a few minutes later at the table to the left.
Then my table was moved to the center of the tent, opposite Barnes & Noble, and another exhibitor took my former spot next to the cooking table. I was in a space all by myself. Sounds good, right? But only a few people even stopped at the table. This woman was one of the few to visit.
Finally, I moved to my last location, behind the Barnes & Noble table--and that spot was much better!
Almost immediately, I had my first customer! This man loved signed books--and he added DUST to his collection.
Soon I had another customer...
And another...
And still another as this woman bought DUST for her daughter.
Support Connection is a wonderful Yorktown charity that holds events to raise money to battle breast and ovarian cancer. I donated a copy of DUST to Support Connection director, Kathy Quinn, for the organization's upcoming raffle.
* * *
On September 9, my article on the challenges of writing paranormal fiction appeared in Jennifer Conner's column in the Seattle Examiner:
* * *
On August 25, I was interviewed about DUST and my fiction writing by Robyn Murphy on Roboloblyn's Universe of Books for "Writer's Wednesday." Check it out!
* * *
On July 10, I participated in the Inwood Book Fair & Signing at Coogan's Restaurant in upper Manhattan with eight New York area authors--novelists, poets, non-fiction writers, and a photographer. I had a terrific time--and learned a lot about how other authors think and write. Here come the photos!
We all sat at a long table with name tags and copies of our books. Many thanks to John & Barbara McMullen for coordinating the event!
Here's our author's panel, which John F. McMullen (right) emceed. The other participants included ( r.): Stan Trybulski, Amy Holman, George Hopkins, Thomas Wm. Hamilton, me, Paul Levinson, Don Wortzman, and Kathleen Collins.
Each of us had five minutes to discuss our books. Of course, I talked about how I got the idea for DUST.
People attending the event ate lunch while they listened to our short presentations. Here, Stan Trybulski explains his crime novel series.
Barbara McMullen (left) expertly handled our book sales.
I signed a copy of DUST for a fan of supernatural fiction.
* * *
I had a wonderful--but weird--experience signing copies of DUST at Tazza Cafe at the Heritage Hills Shopping Center in Somers, NY on June 17. Almost immediately after I arrived at about 11:30 am, the power went out and remained mostly off until I went to the restroom at 1:30. When I flicked the light switch, that's exactly when the power returned! Do I have (unknown) supernatural abilities? Ask owner Ed Novak, who was with me when I turned the electricity back on. He said the incident gave him goosebumps!
Many thanks to Jodee and Ed for letting me have a book signing at their lovely cafe. I had a great time--and the food is terrific too!Here come the pictures!
Jodee and Ed Novak promoted DUST in Tazza Cafe and helped to make the book signing a great success. I'm sorry I seemed to disrupt the electricity! As my sign says: Weird things really do happen!
Mort, my first customer!
Reporter Rich Monetti (left), interviewed me for a story on, giving me an opportunity to talk about one of my favorite topics: dust devils. Here, I'm explaining the strange weather phenomenon to Neil, who must have been impressed: He bought a copy of DUST.
Jodee's mom, Deena, bought copies of DUST for herself and for her grandkids.
...And here's Emily, one of the grandkids, who came into the cafe and received her copy of DUST.
Maria bought DUST for herself and her teen daughter.
Eileen and Frank came to Tazza Cafe especially for a signed copy of DUST.
Gladys was my final customer of the day.
* * *
I participated in Yorktown Community Day in Yorktown Heights (NY) on Saturday, May 15. The proceeds of this town-sponsored event benefit drug prevention programs for Yorktown youth (Alliance for Safe Kids and the D.A.R.E. program). It was a beautiful sunny day, but strong wind gusts made displaying book materials a real challenge! Here are some photos:
The back of the DUST poster is tied to the table with string to keep it from flying away.
This girl examines my "DUST" Basket--a raffle prize for a lucky winner.
I signed a copy of DUST for this lady.
Visitors check out the participating tables.
This family showed interest in DUST--and the "DUST" Basket.
Stacey Ann Beitler, author/illustrator of the children's books Willy Goes to the Farm and Willy Helps a Friend had an adjoining table at the event.
And here's the lucky "DUST" Basket Winner: It's Maria DeMartino of Yorktown! I delivered the prize to Maria a few days after the event. Happy DUSTing!
* * *
On Monday, May 3, I talked about novel writing to students in Katherine Callahan's creative writing class in Walter Panas High School in Cortlandt Manor, NY. I loved talking to the teens--and I hope they did too! Thank you, Ms. Callahan! Here are a couple of photos:
Notice the "Welcome" to me on the board.
Even though I spoke for the entire second period, the students seemed to be listening. I don't know if they were really interested--or just being polite.
* * *
I participated in Barnes & Noble's "New Writers for Haiti" Bookfair on Sunday, May 2 in White Plains, NY. The event promoted Haitian culture, with 10%-20% of the total bookfair proceeds donated to Haitian relief. Here come the pictures:
This sign in the front of the store promoted the event.
Eighteen authors participated in the event, arranged in nine tables lining the corridor leading to Barnes & Noble. I was at Table 2 at the end of the hall.
I signed a copy of DUST for this woman who bought many other local authors' books.
Both Mom and daughter are looking forward to reading DUST.
Racquel Brown Gaston, author of Deadly Instincts, examines DUST.
I signed a copy of DUST for Robert Santoro, author of Wrath and Pride, a book in the Deadly Sins Series.
DUST was a Mother's Day present for this woman's mom.
* * *
DUST is a great vacation read!
Here I am in the library of the Norwegian Gem (with DUST), cruising to Florida and the Bahamas at the end of March.
During the cruise, I signed a copy of DUST for Patricia. Happy reading!
* * *
I gave a talk about DUST and then signed books at the East Fishkill Community Library in Hopewell Junction, NY on February 18. Here come the photos:
I discussed how I got the idea for DUST and my writing techniques.
Here's another view of the audience.
After the book talk, I signed a copy of DUST...
and another copy...
and another copy...
and yet another copy.
I'm surrounded by new DUST fans.
* * *
On January 27, I was a guest blogger on Science Fiction & Fantasy Insider, a division of Night Owl Reviews. Read my post on "Characters in Charge" and you can also win a signed copy of DUST!
* * *
I participated in Putnam Valley's Parents as Reading Partners (PARP) Literacy Fair on January 15 at the Putnam Valley (NY) Elementary School, signing copies of DUST for adults and older teens in a 1st grade classroom. Here are some photos:
Setting up in the classroom.
A family checks out DUST.
A school district photographer takes my picture. (Am I a celebrity?)
Some children collected autographs of the participating authors.
These kids were buying a copy of DUST--for one of their moms.
Signing another copy of the book.
* * *
I did a "virtual book tour" in November 2009, which included online interviews, guest posts, and reviews of DUST. My itinerary for the month is listed below.
Check it out!
November 2 -
November 3 -
November 4 -
November 5 -
November 6 -
November 9 -
November 11 -
November 11 -
November 12 -
November 12 -
November 13 -
November 13 -
November 16 -
November 17 -
November 18 -
November 19 -
November 20 -
November 23 -
November 23 -
November 24 -
November 25 -
November 27 -
* * *
We had a small, but attentive, audience for the Authors' Panel on Publishing-on-Demand (POD)/Book Signing event on November 15 at the Mount Pleasant Library in Pleasantville, NY. I'm posting a few photos below:
I've got my props--DUST poster and colorful duster--and I'm ready for the event to begin.
Our 3-author panel (l. to r. - Don Wortzman, me, and John F. McMullen) is set for the library talk.
As always, I am making a point about DUST.
Our Authors' Panel business manager, Barbara McMullen, expertly handles our book sales.
Another DUST reader! I just signed this woman's book.
* * *
On November 10, fellow authors John F. McMullen, Don Wortzman, and I briefly discussed our publishing experiences at a senior community in Yonkers, NY. Here are a few pictures:
As usual, I am talking about DUST.
Poet John F. McMullen discusses his writing.
Author Don Wortzman describes his experience writing and publishing his thriller.
I think the audience enjoyed our talk, but I know they were looking forward to lunch, which was served immediately after we finished speaking.
* * *
The November 7 book signing at Barnes & Noble in Mohegan Lake, NY was fun, but tiring. I loved talking to strangers and telling them about DUST--but standing for more than five hours was tough! Here are some photos:
After signing this man's book, I discovered that I once worked with his ex-wife.
This couple was interested in the book--and the bookmark.
Notice the photo on the back cover of the paperback book this man is holding. It's Stephen King. I knew he would be a potential DUST reader!
Both of these women were intrigued with DUST.
This was my last customer. As you can see, we were all very happy!
* * *
My talk at the Mahopac Libary on Wednesday, October 21 was more intimate and informal than the Hart Library talk last month where I stood behind a podium. Here, everyone sat around--or near--a large rectangular table. The casual environment led to more questions. Afterwards, I signed copies of DUST. Here are a few photos:
Setting up for the Mahopac Library talk.
A view of the long table.
Signing a copy of DUST.
Another new DUST reader.
* * *
The article below is from The Putnam Examiner. It focuses on my inspiration for DUST and on my October 21 talk at the Mahopac Library. I love the first line!
For a clearer version, here's the link (Scroll to page 10):
* * *
I gave my first solo informational talk about DUST at the John C. Hart Memorial Library in Shrub Oak, NY on Saturday, September 12. Although I was very nervous before the event started, it turned out surprisingly well. People in the audience listened attentively and seemed to enjoy the talk. I'm posting a few photos below:
At the podium just before the Hart Library event.
The audience seemed to be listening. (At least no one was sleeping.)
Another view of the audience at the library.
After the talk, I signed a copy of DUST for this mother and daughter.
* * *
The Authors' Panel/Book Signing at Lola's Tea House in Pelham, NY on August 22 was my first "speaking engagement" about DUST. It was a good learning experience. Afterward, people said the talk by all four authors on publishing-on-demand was interesting and informative. I just wish more people had attended! Here are a few photos from the event:
At Lola's Tea House (l. to r. from rear): Authors George Hopkins, John McMullen, Don Wortzman, and me, speaking.
I guess I had a lot to say!
Maybe all that talking tired me out. I couldn't seem to keep my eyes open after I had just signed this man's book!
* * *
I had my first book signing at Barnes & Noble in the Cortlandt Town Center in Mohegan Lake, NY on Saturday, July 25. Considering the weather (hot, sunny, and gorgeous--the best day of the summer), it was a success. I'm posting some pictures below:
I'm signing a copy of DUST. Note the "Dust" Basket on the left. It was won by Gene Ehrens of Yorktown.
My first customer!
Another customer--a fellow writer!
DUST is suitable for all ages. Mom purchased the book for her daughter.
Marsha Smith was one of the first people to read DUST She loved it! (Read her comments on the Reviews page.)
* * *
The first newspaper article about DUST was published on July 15, 2009. Here's the link: